Package org.xwt.util

An assortment of useful utility classes.


Interface Summary
Callback a simple interface for callbacks
KnownLength a generic interface for things that "know" their length

Class Summary
CAB Reads a CAB file structure
CAB.CFFILE Encapsulates a CFFILE entry
CAB.CFFOLDER Encapsulates a CFFOLDER entry
CAB.CFHEADER Encapsulates a CFHEADER entry
Cache A Hash table with a fixed size; drops extraneous elements.
CachedInputStream Wraps around an InputStream, caching the stream in a byte[] as it is read and permitting multiple simultaneous readers
DirtyList A general-purpose data structure for holding a list of rectangular regions that need to be repainted, with intelligent coalescing.
Hash Implementation of an unsynchronized hash table, with one or two keys, using Radke's quadradic residue linear probing instead of buckets to minimize object count (less allocations, faster GC).
Log easy to use logger
Preprocessor A VERY crude, inefficient Java preprocessor //#define FOO bar baz -- replace all instances of token FOO with "bar baz" //#replace foo/bar baz/bop -- DUPLICATE everything between here and //#end, replacing foo with bar and baz with bop in the *second* copy Replacements are done on a token basis.
Queue A simple synchronized queue, implemented as an array
Semaphore Simple implementation of a blocking, counting semaphore.
Vec An unsynchronized Vector implementation; same semantics as java.util.Vector.
XML An Event-Driving, Non-Validating XML Parser with Namespace support.
XML.Element Used as a struct for holding information about a current element, and acts as a linked list entry.

Exception Summary
XML.MarkupException Violation of Markup restrictions in XML Specification - Fatal Error
XML.NCException Namespace Constraint Violation - Recoverable Error
XML.SchemaException Schema Violation - Fatal Error
XML.WFCException Well-Formedness Constraint Violation - Fatal Error
XML.XMLException Parse or Structural Error

Package org.xwt.util Description

An assortment of useful utility classes.