1    // Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Megacz <adam@xwt.org> all rights reserved.
2    //
3    // You may modify, copy, and redistribute this code under the terms of
4    // the GNU Library Public License version 2.1, with the exception of
5    // the portion of clause 6a after the semicolon (aka the "obnoxious
6    // relink clause")
8    package org.xwt.util;
10   import java.io.Reader;
11   import java.io.IOException;
12   import java.io.EOFException;
14   /**
15    * An Event-Driving, Non-Validating XML Parser with Namespace support.
16    *
17    * A subclass can implement the abstract functions for receiving details
18    * about an xml file as it is parsed. To initate a parse, use the parse()
19    * function. 
20    *
21    * <h3>Implementation Notes</h3>
22    * <p>As the parser traverses into an element, it adds it to the linked list
23    * called <tt>elements</tt>. However, <tt>elements</tt> has been pre-filled
24    * with instances of the Element inner class. So in the vast majority of
25    * cases, the pointer current is moved along one, and the values for the
26    * new element are filled into the current object.</p>
27    *
28    * <p>This parser supports all the unicode ranges required by the XML
29    * Specification. However, it is optimised for well-formed ASCII documents.
30    * Documents containing unicode Names and Attributes will take much longer
31    * to process, and invalid documents (badly formed Names or invalid attributes)
32    * will be run through a test on every single unicode character range before 
33    * being declared invalid.</p> 
34    *
35    * <ul>
36    *  <li>Each time the buffer offset <tt>off</tt> is moved, the length
37    *   <tt>len</tt> must be decreased.</li>
38    *  <li>Each time the buffer length is decreased, it must be checked to make
39    *   sure it is >0.</li>
40    *  <li><i>error</i> is defined as a Validity Constraint Violation and
41    *   is recoverable</li>
42    *  <li><i>fatal error</i> is defined as a Well-formedness Constraint
43    *   Violation and is not recoverable</li>
44    * </ul> 
45    *
46    * @author David Crawshaw 
47    * @see <a href="http://w3.org/TR/REC-xml">XML Specification</a> 
48    * @see <a href="http://w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names">XML Namespaces</a>
49    */
50   public abstract class XML
51   {
52       /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
53       // XML Parser
54       /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56       public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 255;
58       /** static pool of XML.Element instances shared by all XML Parsers. */
59       private static final Queue elements = new Queue(30);
61       private static final char[] single_amp  = new char[] { '&'  };
62       private static final char[] single_apos = new char[] { '\'' };
63       private static final char[] single_gt   = new char[] { '>'  };
64       private static final char[] single_lt   = new char[] { '<'  };
65       private static final char[] single_quot = new char[] { '"'  };
67       private int line;
68       private int col;
70       private Reader in;
71       private char[] buf;
72       private int    off;
73       private int    len;
75       private Element current;
77       // used in readEntity() to process a single character without creating a new array
78       private char[] singlechar = new char[1];
81       public XML() { this(BUFFER_SIZE); }
83       public XML(int bSize) {
84           buf = new char[bSize];
86           current = (Element)elements.remove(false);
87           if (current == null) current = new Element();
88       }
91       /** Returns the line number at the beginning of the last process call. */
92       public int getLine() { return line; }
94       /** Returns the column number at the beginning of the last process call. */
95       public int getCol()  { return col; }
97       /**
98        * Parse given input and call the abstract event functions.
99        *
100       * Careful with threading, as this function is not synchronized.
101       */ 
102      public final void parse(Reader reader) throws IOException, Exn {
103          in  = reader;
104          off = len = 0;
105          line = col = 1;
107          clear(); // clean up possible mid-way linked-list element
109          try {
110              // process the stream
111              while (true) {
112                  if (!buffer(1)) {
113                      if (current.qName == null) break;
114                      throw new Exn("reached eof without closing <"+current.qName+"> element", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol());
115                  }
117                  if (buf[off] == '<') readTag();
118                  readChars(current.qName != null);
119              }
120          } finally { clear(); } // clean up elements
121      }
123      /** remove any leftover elements from the linked list and queue them */
124      private final void clear() {
125          for (Element last = current; current.parent != null; ) {
126              current = current.parent;
127              last.clear();
128              elements.append(last);
129          }
130          current.clear();
131      }
133      /** reads in a tag. expects <tt>buf[off] == '<'</tt> */
134      private final void readTag() throws IOException, Exn {
135          // Start Tag    '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'
136          boolean starttag  = true;
138          // End Tag     '</' Name S? '>'
139          boolean endtag    = false;
141          // if (starttag & endtag) then: EmptyElemTag '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '/>'
143          // Position in the name of the ':' namespace prefix
144          int prefix = -1;
146          int namelen   = 0;
148          col++; off++; len--;
149          if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF processing element tag");
151          // work out what we can from the beginning of the tag
152          char s = buf[off]; 
153          if (s == '!') {
154              // definitions here don't necessarily conform to xml spec (as DTDs not yet implemented)
155              col++; off++; len--; 
156              if (!buffer(4)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF processing <! element");
158              boolean bad = false;
159              switch (buf[off]) {
160                  case '-':
161                      if (buf[off+1] != '-') { bad = true; break; }
162                      col += 2; off += 2; len -= 2;
164                      // Comment        '<!--'      ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'
165                      readChars(false, "-->", false); 
166                      col += 3; off += 3; len -= 3;
167                      break;
169                  // we don't care about the following definitions
171                  case 'A':
172                      if (!buffer(7)
173                              || buf[off+1] != 'T' || buf[off+2] != 'T' || buf[off+3] != 'L'
174                              || buf[off+4] != 'I' || buf[off+5] != 'S' || buf[off+6] != 'T') {
175                          bad = true; break;
176                      } 
177                      col += 7; off += 7; len -= 7; 
179                      // ATTLIST        '<!ATTLIST'   (Char* - '>') '>'
180                      readChars(false, ">", true); 
181                      col++; off++; len--;
182                      break;
183                  case 'D':
184                      if (!buffer(7)
185                              || buf[off+1] != 'O' || buf[off+2] != 'C' || buf[off+3] != 'T'
186                              || buf[off+4] != 'Y' || buf[off+5] != 'P' || buf[off+6] != 'E') {
187                          bad = true; break;
188                      }
189                      col += 7; off += 7; len -= 7;
191                      // DTD            '<!DOCTYPE'   (Char* - '>') '>'
192                      readChars(false, ">", true); 
193                      col++; off++; len--;
194                      break; 
195                  case 'E':
196                      if (!buffer(7)) {
197                          bad = true;
198                      } else if (buf[off+1] == 'L' && buf[off+2] == 'E' && buf[off+3] == 'M'
199                              && buf[off+4] == 'E' && buf[off+5] == 'N' && buf[off+6] == 'T') {
200                          // ELEMENT        '<!ELEMENT'   (Char* - '>') '>'
201                          readChars(false, ">", true); 
202                          col++; off++; len--;
204                      } else if (buf[off+1] == 'N' && buf[off+2] == 'T' && buf[off+3] == 'I'
205                              && buf[off+4] == 'T' && buf[off+5] == 'Y') {
206                          // ENTITY         '<!ENTITY'    (Char* - '>') '>'
207                          readChars(false, ">", true); 
208                          col++; off++; len--;
210                      } else {
211                          bad = true;
212                      }
213                      break;
215                  case 'N':
216                      if (!buffer(8)
217                              || buf[off+1] != 'O' || buf[off+2] != 'T' || buf[off+3] != 'A' || buf[off+4] != 'T'
218                              || buf[off+5] != 'I' || buf[off+6] != 'O' || buf[off+7] != 'N') {
219                          bad = true; break;
220                      }
221                      col += 8; off += 8; len -= 8;
222                      // NOTATION       '<!NOTATION'  (Char* - '>') '>'
223                      readChars(false, ">", true); 
224                      col++; off++; len--;
226                      break;
227                  default: bad = true;
228              }
230              if (bad) throw new Exn("element tag start character is invalid", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
232          } else if (s == '?') {
233              // PI (Ignored)   '<?'  (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*))  '?>'
234              col++; off++; len--;
235              readChars(false, "?>", true);
236              if (!buffer(2)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF at end of Processing Instruction");
237              col += 2; off += 2; len -= 2;
239          } else if (s == '[') {
240              if (!buffer(7)
241                      || buf[off+1] != 'C' || buf[off+2] != 'D' || buf[off+3] != 'A'
242                      || buf[off+4] != 'T' || buf[off+5] != 'A' || buf[off+6] != '[') {
243                  col++; off--; len++; 
244                  // Conditional    '<![' (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*)) ']]>'
245                  readChars(false, "]]>", false); 
246              } else {
247                  col += 7; off += 7; len -=7;
248                  // CDATA          '<![CDATA[' (Char* - (Char* ']]>' Char*))        ']]>'
249                  readChars(true, "]]>", false);
250              } 
251              col += 3; off += 3; len -= 3;
252          } else {
253              if (s == '/') {
254                  // End Tag        '</' Name S? '>'
255                  starttag = false; 
256                  endtag = true;
258                  col++; off++; len--;
259                  if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF processing end tag");
260                  s = buf[off];
261              }
263              if (!Name(s)) throw new Exn("invalid starting character in element name", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol()); 
265              // find the element name (defined in XML Spec: section 2.3)
266              for (namelen = 0; ; namelen++) {
267                  if (!buffer(namelen+1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF in element tag name");
269                  s = buf[off+namelen];
271                  if (S(s) || s == '>') {
272                      break;
273                  } else if (s == '/') {
274                      endtag = true;
275                      break;
276                  } else if (s == ':' && namelen > 0 && prefix < 1) {
277                      // we have a definition of the prefix range available
278                      prefix = namelen; 
279                  } else if (!NameChar(s)) {
280                      throw new Exn("element name contains invalid character", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
281                  }
282              }
284              // process name (based on calculated region)
285              if (namelen < 1) throw new Exn("element name is null", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol()); 
287              // we have marked out the name region, so turn it into a string and move on
288              String qName = new String(buf, off, namelen);
290              col += namelen; off += namelen; len -= namelen;
292              if (starttag) {
293                  // create the in-memory element representation of this beast
294                  // if current.qName == null then this is the root element we're dealing with
295                  if (current.qName != null) {
296                      Element next = (Element)elements.remove(false);
297                      if (next == null) next = new Element();
298                      //next.clear(); // TODO: remove as elements now checked as they're added to the queue
299                      next.parent = current;
300                      current = next;
301                  }
303                  current.qName = qName;
305                  if (prefix > 0) {
306                      current.prefix = current.qName.substring(0, prefix);
307                      current.localName = current.qName.substring(prefix+1);
308                  } else {
309                      current.prefix = null;
310                      current.localName = current.qName;
311                  }
313                  // process attributes
314                  readWhitespace(); 
315                  if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF - processing attributes part 1");
316                  while (buf[off] != '/' && buf[off] != '>') {
317                      readAttribute();
318                      if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF - processing attributes part 2");
319                      readWhitespace();
320                  }
322                  // work out the uri of this element
323                  current.uri = current.getUri(current.getPrefix()); 
324                  if (current.getUri().equals("") && current.getPrefix() != null)
325                      current.addError(new Exn("undefined prefix '"+current.getPrefix()+"'", Exn.NC, getLine(), getCol()));
327              } else {
328                  // this is an end-of-element tag
329                  if (!qName.equals(current.getQName())) throw new Exn(
330                      "end tag </"+qName+"> does not line up with start tag <"+current.getQName()+">", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol()
331                  );
332              }
334              // deal with whitespace
335              readWhitespace(); 
337              // process tag close
338              if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF before end of tag"); 
339              if (buf[off] == '/') {
340                  endtag = true;
341                  off++; len--; col++;
342              }
343              if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF before end of endtag"); 
344              if (buf[off] == '>') {
345                  off++; len--; col++;
346              } else {
347                  throw new Exn("missing '>' character from element '"+qName+"'", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
348              }
350              // send element signals
351              if (starttag) startElement(current);
352              if (endtag) {
353                  endElement(current);
355                  // we just closed an element, so remove it from the element 'stack'
356                  if (current.getParent() == null) {
357                      // we just finished the root element
358                      current.clear(); 
359                  } else {
360                      Element last = current;
361                      current = current.parent;
362                      last.clear();
363                      elements.append(last);
364                  }
365              }
366          }
367      }
369      /** reads in an attribute of an element. expects Name(buf[off]) */
370      private final void readAttribute() throws IOException, Exn {
371          int ref = 0;
372          int prefix = 0;
373          String n, v, p, u; // attribute name, value, prefix and uri respectively
374          n = v = p = u = null;
375          char s;
377          // find the element name (defined in XML Spec: section 2.3)
378          for (ref= 0; ; ref++) {
379              if (!buffer(ref+1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF in read attribute loop part 1");
381              s = buf[off+ref];
383              if (s == '=' || S(s)) {
384                  break;
385              } else if (s == ':' && ref > 0 && prefix < 1) {
386                  // we have a definition of the prefix range available
387                  prefix = ref+1;
388              } else if (!NameChar(s)) {
389                  throw new Exn("attribute name contains invalid characters", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
390              }
391          }
393          // determine prefix and key name
394          if (prefix > 0) {
395              p = new String(buf, off, prefix-1);
396              col += prefix; off += prefix; len -= prefix; ref -= prefix;
397          }
398          n = new String(buf, off, ref);
399          col += ref; off += ref; len -= ref;
401          // find name/value divider ('=')
402          readWhitespace();
403          if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF before attribute '=' divider");
404          if (buf[off] != '=') throw new Exn("attribute name not followed by '=' sign", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
406          col++; off++; len--;
407          readWhitespace();
409          if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF after attribute '=' divider");
411          char wrap;
412          if (buf[off] == '\'' || buf[off] == '"') {
413              wrap = buf[off];
414          } else {
415              throw new Exn("attribute '"+n+"' must have attribute wrapped in ' or \"", Exn.MARKUP, getLine(), getCol());
416          }
417          col++; off++; len--;
419          // find the attribute value
420          attval: for (ref = 0; ; ref++) {
421              if (!buffer(ref+1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF in attribute value");
423              if (buf[off+ref] == wrap) {
424                  break attval;
425              } else if (buf[off+ref] == '<') {
426                  throw new Exn("attribute value for '"+n+"' must not contain '<'", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol());
427              } 
428          }
430          v = new String(buf, off, ref);
431          col += ref; off += ref; len -= ref;
433          // remove end wrapper character
434          col++; off++; len--;
436          // process attribute
437          if (p != null && p.equals("xmlns")) {
438              current.addUri(n, v);
439          } else if (n.equals("xmlns")) {
440              if (current.getUri().equals("")) {
441                  current.addUri("", v);
442              } else {
443                  current.addError(new Exn("default namespace definition repeated", Exn.NC, getLine(), getCol()));
444              }
445          } else {
446              // find attribute uri
447              u = current.getUri(p); 
448              if (p != null && u.equals("")) current.addError(new Exn("undefined attribute prefix '"+p+"'", Exn.NC, getLine(), getCol()));
450              // check to see if attribute is a repeat
451              for (int i=0; current.len > i; i++) if (n.equals(current.getAttrKey(i)) && u.equals(current.getAttrUri(i))) throw new Exn(
452                  "attribute name '"+n+"' may not appear more than once in the same element tag", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol()
453              );
455              current.addAttr(n, v, u); 
456          }
457      }
459      /** reads an entity and processes out its value. expects buf[off] == '&' */
460      private final void readEntity() throws IOException, Exn {
461          off++; len--;
462          if (!buffer(2)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF reading entity");
464          boolean unknown = false;
465          switch (buf[off]) {
466              case '#':
467                  off++; len--;
469                  int radix;
470                  if (buf[off] == 'x') { off++; len--; radix = 16; } else { radix = 10; }
471                  int c = 0;
473                  // read in each char, then shift total value to the left and add the extra
474                  // style of loop is slightly different from all the others, as this should run a limited number of times 
475                  findchar: while (true) {
476                      if (!buffer(1)) throw new EOFException("Unexpected EOF reading entity");
477                      int d = Character.digit(buf[off], radix);
478                      if (d == -1) {
479                          if (buf[off] != ';') throw new Exn("illegal characters in entity reference", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol());
480                          off++; len--; col++;
481                          break findchar;
482                      }
483                      c = (c * radix) + d;
485                      off++; len--;
486                  }
488                  singlechar[0] = Character.forDigit(c, radix);
489                  characters(singlechar, 0, 1);
490                  break;
492              case 'a':
493                  if (buffer(4) && buf[off+1] == 'm' && buf[off+2] == 'p' && buf[off+3] == ';') {
494                      characters(single_amp, 0, 1); // &
495                      off += 4; len -= 4; col++;
496                  } else if (buffer(5) && buf[off+1] == 'p' && buf[off+2] == 'o' && buf[off+3] == 's' && buf[off+4] == ';') {
497                      characters(single_apos, 0, 1); // '
498                      off += 5; len -= 5; col++;
499                  } else {
500                      unknown = true;
501                  }
502                  break;
504              case 'g':
505                  if (buffer(3) && buf[off+1] == 't' && buf[off+2] == ';') {
506                      characters(single_gt, 0, 1); // >
507                      off += 3; len -= 3; col++;
508                  } else {
509                      unknown = true;
510                  }
511                  break;
513              case 'l':
514                  if (buffer(3) && buf[off+1] == 't' && buf[off+2] == ';') {
515                      characters(single_lt, 0, 1); // <
516                      off += 3; len -= 3; col++;
517                  } else {
518                      unknown = true;
519                  }
520                  break;
522              case 'q':
523                  if (buffer(5) && buf[off+1] == 'u' && buf[off+2] == 'o' && buf[off+3] == 't' && buf[off+4] == ';') {
524                      characters(single_quot, 0, 1); // "
525                      off += 5; len -= 5; col++;
526                  } else {
527                      unknown = true;
528                  }
529                  break;
531              // TODO: check a parser-level Hash of defined entities
532          }
534          if (unknown) throw new Exn("unknown entity (<!ENTITY> not supported)", Exn.WFC, getLine(), getCol());
535      }
537      /** reads until the passed string is encountered. */
538      private final void readChars(boolean p, String match, boolean entities) throws IOException, Exn {
539          int ref;
540          char[] end = match.toCharArray();
542          for (boolean more = true; more;) {
543              if (!buffer(1)) return;
545              buf: for (ref = 0; ref < len; ref++) {
546                  switch (buf[off+ref]) {
547                      case '\r': // windows or macos9 newline
548                          // normalise and process
549                          buf[off+ref] = '\n'; ref++;
550                          if (p) characters(buf, off, ref);
551                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
552                          line++; col = 1;
554                          // windows double-char newline; skip the next char
555                          if (!buffer(1)) return;
556                          if (buf[off] == '\n') { off++; len--; }
557                          break;
559                      case '\n': // unix newline
560                          ref++;
561                          if (p) characters(buf, off, ref);
562                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
563                          line++; col = 1;
564                          break;
566                      case '&':  // entity
567                          if (entities) {
568                              if (p) {
569                                  if (ref > 0) characters(buf, off, ref);
570                                  off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
571                                  readEntity();
572                              }
573                              break;
574                          }
576                      default:
577                          if (!buffer(ref+end.length)) continue buf;
578                          for (int i=0; end.length > i; i++) if (end[i] != buf[off+ref+i]) continue buf;
579                          more = false;
580                          break buf;
581                  }
582              }
584              if (p && ref > 0) characters(buf, off, ref);
585              off += ref; len -= ref; col += ref;
586          }
587      }
589      /**
590       * reads until a <tt><</tt> symbol is encountered
591       * @param p If true call the characters(char[],int,int) funciton for the processed characters 
592       */
593      private final void readChars(boolean p) throws IOException, Exn {
594          int ref;
596          for (boolean more = true; more;) {
597              if (!buffer(1)) return;
599              buf: for (ref = 0; ref < len; ref++) {
600                  switch (buf[off+ref]) {
601                      case '\r': // windows or macos9 newline
602                          // normalise and process
603                          buf[off+ref] = '\n'; ref++;
604                          if (p) characters(buf, off, ref);
605                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
606                          line++; col = 1;
608                          // windows double-char newline; skip the next char
609                          if (!buffer(1)) return;
610                          if (buf[off] == '\n') { off++; len--; }
611                          break;
613                      case '\n': // unix newline
614                          ref++;
615                          if (p) characters(buf, off, ref);
616                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
617                          line++; col = 1;
618                          break;
620                      case '&':  // entity
621                          if (p) {
622                              if (ref > 0) characters(buf, off, ref);
623                              off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
624                              readEntity();
625                          }
626                          break;
628                      case '<':  // end of chars section
629                          more = false;
630                          break buf;
631                  }
632              }
634              if (p && ref > 0) characters(buf, off, ref);
635              off += ref; len -= ref; col += ref;
636          }
637      }
639      /** reads until a non-whitespace symbol is encountered */
640      private final void readWhitespace() throws IOException, Exn {
641          int ref;
643          for (boolean more = true; more;) {
644              if (!buffer(1)) return;
646              buf: for (ref = 0; ref < len; ref++) {
647                  switch (buf[off+ref]) {
648                      case '\r': // windows or macos9 newline
649                          // normalise and process
650                          buf[off+ref] = '\n';
651                          whitespace(buf, off, ++ref);
652                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
653                          line++; col = 1;
655                          // windows double-char newline; skip the next char
656                          if (!buffer(1)) return;
657                          if (buf[off] == '\n') { off++; len--; }
658                          break;
660                      case '\n': // unix newline
661                          whitespace(buf, off, ++ref);
662                          off += ref; len -= ref; ref = -1;
663                          line++; col = 1;
664                          break;
666                      case ' ':  // space
667                      case '\t': // tab
668                          break;
670                      default:   // end of whitespace
671                          more = false;
672                          break buf;
673                  }
674              }
676              off += ref; len -= ref; col += ref;
677          }
678      }
680      /**
681       * attempt to fill the buffer.
682       *
683       * @param min Minimum number of characters to read (even if we have to block to do it).
684       * @return return false if min can't be reached.
685       */
686      private final boolean buffer(int min) throws IOException {
687          if (len > min) return true;
689          if (buf.length - (off+len) >= min) {
690              // plenty of space left on the end of the buffer
691          } else if (off >= min) {
692              // moving offset data to start will leave enough free space on the end
693              System.arraycopy(buf, off, buf, 0, len); 
694              off = 0;
695          } else {
696              // buffer size will have to be increased
697              char[] newbuf = new char[buf.length * 2];
698              System.arraycopy(buf, off, newbuf, 0, len);
699              buf = newbuf;
700              off = 0;
701          }
703          while (min > len) {
704              int newlen = in.read(buf, off+len, buf.length-(off+len));
705              if (newlen < 0) return false; 
706              len += newlen;
707          }
709          return true;
710      }
713      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
714      // Abstract SAX-Like Interface
715      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
717      /**
718       * Called when the start of an element is processed.
719       *
720       * <p><b>DO NOT</b> store a reference to the Element object, as
721       * they are reused by XML Parser.</p>
722       */ 
723      public abstract void startElement(Element e) throws Exn;
725      /**
726       * Represents up to a line of character data. 
727       *
728       * <p>Newlines are all normalised to the Unix \n as per the XML Spec,
729       * and a newline will only appear as the last character in the passed
730       * array segment.</p>
731       *
732       * <p>XML.getLine() and XML.getCol() report the position at the
733       * beginning of this character segment, which can be processed in a
734       * line-by-line fashion due to the above newline restriction.</p>
735       */
736      public abstract void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws Exn, IOException;
738      /** Represents up to a line of ignorable whitespace. */
739      public abstract void whitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws Exn, IOException;
741      /** Represents the end of an Element. */
742      public abstract void endElement(Element e) throws Exn, IOException;
745      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
746      // Inner Classes for Parser Support
747      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
749      /**
750       * Represents an element in an XML document. Stores a reference to its
751       * parent, forming a one-way linked list.
752       *
753       * Element objects are reused, so client code making use of them must
754       * drop their references after the specific element process function
755       * has returned.
756       */
757      public static final class Element {
759          private static final int DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE = 10;
761          protected Element parent = null;
763          protected String uri = null;
764          protected String localName = null;
765          protected String qName = null;
766          protected String prefix = null;
768          protected Hash urimap = new Hash(3,3);
770          protected String[] keys = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
771          protected String[] vals = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
772          protected String[] uris = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
773          protected int len = 0;
775          protected Exn[] errors = new Exn[] {};
778          /** Parent of current element. */
779          public Element getParent() { return parent; }
781          /** Qualified Name of current element.  XML Namespace Spec 14-Jan-1999 [6] */
782          public String getQName() { return qName; }
784          /** LocalPart of current element. XML Namespace Spec 14-Jan-1999 [8] */
785          public String getLocalName() { return localName; }
787          /** Prefix of current element. Substring of qName. XML Namespace Spec 14-Jan-1999 [7] */
788          public String getPrefix() { return prefix; }
790          /** URI of current tag. XML Namespace Spec 14-Jan-1999 section 1 */
791          public String getUri() { return getUri(prefix); }
793          /** URI of a given prefix. Never returns null, instead gives "". */
794          public String getUri(String p) {
795              String ret = null;
796              for (Element e = this; e != null && ret == null; e = e.getParent()) {
797                  ret = (String)e.urimap.get(p == null ? "" : p);
798              }
799              return ret == null ? "" : ret;
800          }
802          /** An array of attribute names. */
803          public String getAttrKey(int pos) { return len > pos ? keys[pos] : null; }
805          /** An array of attribute values. */
806          public String getAttrVal(int pos) { return len > pos ? vals[pos] : null; }
808          /** An array of attribute uris. */
809          public String getAttrUri(int pos) { return len > pos ? uris[pos] : null; }
811          /** Current number of attributes in the element. */
812          public int getAttrLen() { return len; }
814          /** An array of non-fatal errors related to this element. */
815          public Exn[] getErrors() { return errors; }
818          protected Element() { }
820          /** Add (replace if exists in current element) a Namespace prefix/uri map. */
821          protected void addUri(String name, String value) {
822              urimap.put(name, value);
823          }
825          /** Add an attribute. */
826          protected void addAttr(String key, String val, String uri) {
827              if (len == keys.length) {
828                  // increase the size of the attributes arrays
829                  String[] newkeys = new String[keys.length*2];
830                  String[] newvals = new String[vals.length*2];
831                  String[] newuris = new String[uris.length*2];
832                  System.arraycopy(keys, 0, newkeys, 0, keys.length);
833                  System.arraycopy(vals, 0, newvals, 0, vals.length);
834                  System.arraycopy(uris, 0, newuris, 0, uris.length);
835                  keys = newkeys; vals = newvals; uris = newuris;
836              }
838              keys[len] = key;
839              vals[len] = val;
840              uris[len] = uri;
841              len++;
842          }
844          /** Add an error. */
845          protected void addError(Exn e) {
846              // it doesn't really matter about continually expanding the array, as this case is quite rare
847              Exn[] newe = new Exn[errors.length+1];
848              System.arraycopy(errors, 0, newe, 0, errors.length);
849              newe[errors.length] = e;
850              errors = newe;
851          }
853          /** Empty out all the data from the Element. */
854          protected void clear() {
855              parent = null;
856              uri = localName = qName = prefix = null;
857              urimap.clear();
859              if (keys.length != vals.length || vals.length != uris.length) {
860                  keys = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
861                  vals = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
862                  uris = new String[DEFAULT_ATTR_SIZE];
863              } else {
864                  for (int i=0; keys.length > i; i++) { keys[i] = null; vals[i] = null; uris[i] = null; };
865              }
866              len = 0;
868              errors = new Exn[] {};
869          }
870      }
872      /** Parse or Structural Error */
873      public static class Exn extends Exception {
874          /** Violation of Markup restrictions in XML Specification - Fatal Error */
875          public static final int MARKUP = 1;
877          /** Well-Formedness Constraint Violation - Fatal Error */
878          public static final int WFC = 2;
880          /** Namespace Constraint Violation - Recoverable Error */
881          public static final int NC = 3;
883          /** Schema Violation - Fatal Error */
884          public static final int SCHEMA = 4;
886          private String error;
887          private int type;
888          private int line;
889          private int col;
891          public Exn(String e) { this(e, MARKUP, -1, -1); }
893          public Exn(String e, int type, int line, int col) {
894              this.error = e;
895              this.type  = type;
896              this.line  = line;
897              this.col   = col;
898          }
900          public int getType() { return this.type; }
901          public int getLine() { return this.line; }
902          public int getCol()  { return this.col;  }
903          public String getMessage() { return this.error + (line >= 0 && col >= 0 ? " at " + line + ":" + col: ""); }
904      }
907      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
908      // Static Support Functions for the XML Specification 
909      /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
911      // attempt to avoid these functions unless you *expect* the input to fall in the given range.
913      /** First Character of Name - XML Specification 1.0 [5] */
914      private static final boolean Name(char c) {
915          return BaseCharAscii(c) || c == '_' || c == ':' || Letter(c);
916      } 
918      /** NameChar - XML Specification 1.0 [4] */
919      private static final boolean NameChar(char c) {
920          return BaseCharAscii(c) || c == '.' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == ':'
921              || Digit(c) || Letter(c) || Extender(c); // TODO: || CombiningChar(c);
922      } 
924      /** BaseChar - XMl Specification 1.0 [84] */
925      private static final boolean Letter(char c) {
926          return BaseChar(c) || Ideographic(c);
927      }
929      /** Elements of BaseChar that exist in ASCII. */
930      private static final boolean BaseCharAscii(char c) {
931          return (c >= '\u0041' && c <= '\u005A') || (c >= '\u0061' && c <= '\u007A');
932      }
934      /** Char - XML Specification 1.0 [2] */
935      private static final boolean Char(char c) {
936          // u000A == r and u000D == n, but the javac compiler can't handle the \ u form
937          return c == '\u0009' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'
938              || (c >= '\u0020' && c <= '\uD7FF')
939              || (c >= '\uE000' && c <= '\uFFFD');
940      }
942      /** BaseChar - XML Specification 1.0 [85] */
943      private static final boolean BaseChar(char c) {
944          return  BaseCharAscii(c) || (c >= '\u00C0' && c <= '\u00D6')
945              || (c >= '\u00D8' && c <= '\u00F6') || (c >= '\u00F8' && c <= '\u00FF') || (c >= '\u0100' && c <= '\u0131')
946              || (c >= '\u0134' && c <= '\u013E') || (c >= '\u0141' && c <= '\u0148') || (c >= '\u014A' && c <= '\u017E')
947              || (c >= '\u0180' && c <= '\u01C3') || (c >= '\u01CD' && c <= '\u01F0') || (c >= '\u01F4' && c <= '\u01F5')
948              || (c >= '\u01FA' && c <= '\u0217') || (c >= '\u0250' && c <= '\u02A8') || (c >= '\u02BB' && c <= '\u02C1')
949              || (c == '\u0386')                  || (c >= '\u0388' && c <= '\u038A') || (c == '\u038C')
950              || (c >= '\u038E' && c <= '\u03A1') || (c >= '\u03A3' && c <= '\u03CE') || (c >= '\u03D0' && c <= '\u03D6')
951              || (c == '\u03DA')                  || (c == '\u03DC')                  || (c == '\u03DE')
952              || (c == '\u03E0')
953              || (c >= '\u03E2' && c <= '\u03F3') || (c >= '\u0401' && c <= '\u040C') || (c >= '\u040E' && c <= '\u044F')
954              || (c >= '\u0451' && c <= '\u045C') || (c >= '\u045E' && c <= '\u0481') || (c >= '\u0490' && c <= '\u04C4')
955              || (c >= '\u04C7' && c <= '\u04C8') || (c >= '\u04CB' && c <= '\u04CC') || (c >= '\u04D0' && c <= '\u04EB')
956              || (c >= '\u04EE' && c <= '\u04F5') || (c >= '\u04F8' && c <= '\u04F9') || (c >= '\u0531' && c <= '\u0556')
957              || (c == '\u0559')
958              || (c >= '\u0561' && c <= '\u0586') || (c >= '\u05D0' && c <= '\u05EA') || (c >= '\u05F0' && c <= '\u05F2')
959              || (c >= '\u0621' && c <= '\u063A') || (c >= '\u0641' && c <= '\u064A') || (c >= '\u0671' && c <= '\u06B7')
960              || (c >= '\u06BA' && c <= '\u06BE') || (c >= '\u06C0' && c <= '\u06CE') || (c >= '\u06D0' && c <= '\u06D3')
961              || (c == '\u06D5')
962              || (c >= '\u06E5' && c <= '\u06E6') || (c >= '\u0905' && c <= '\u0939')
963              || (c == '\u093D')
964              || (c >= '\u0958' && c <= '\u0961') || (c >= '\u0985' && c <= '\u098C') || (c >= '\u098F' && c <= '\u0990')
965              || (c >= '\u0993' && c <= '\u09A8') || (c >= '\u09AA' && c <= '\u09B0')
966              || (c == '\u09B2')
967              || (c >= '\u09B6' && c <= '\u09B9') || (c >= '\u09DF' && c <= '\u09E1') || (c >= '\u09F0' && c <= '\u09F1')
968              || (c >= '\u0A05' && c <= '\u0A0A') || (c >= '\u0A0F' && c <= '\u0A10') || (c >= '\u0A13' && c <= '\u0A28')
969              || (c >= '\u0A2A' && c <= '\u0A30') || (c >= '\u0A32' && c <= '\u0A33') || (c >= '\u0A35' && c <= '\u0A36')
970              || (c >= '\u0A38' && c <= '\u0A39') || (c >= '\u0A59' && c <= '\u0A5C')
971              || (c == '\u0A5E')
972              || (c >= '\u0A72' && c <= '\u0A74') || (c >= '\u0A85' && c <= '\u0A8B')
973              || (c == '\u0A8D')
974              || (c >= '\u0A8F' && c <= '\u0A91') || (c >= '\u0A93' && c <= '\u0AA8') || (c >= '\u0AAA' && c <= '\u0AB0') 
975              || (c >= '\u0AB2' && c <= '\u0AB3') || (c >= '\u0AB5' && c <= '\u0AB9') 
976              || (c == '\u0ABD') 
977              || (c == '\u0AE0') 
978              || (c >= '\u0B05' && c <= '\u0B0C') || (c >= '\u0B0F' && c <= '\u0B10') || (c >= '\u0B13' && c <= '\u0B28') 
979              || (c >= '\u0B2A' && c <= '\u0B30') || (c >= '\u0B32' && c <= '\u0B33') || (c >= '\u0B36' && c <= '\u0B39') 
980              || (c == '\u0B3D') 
981              || (c >= '\u0B5C' && c <= '\u0B5D') || (c >= '\u0B5F' && c <= '\u0B61') || (c >= '\u0B85' && c <= '\u0B8A') 
982              || (c >= '\u0B8E' && c <= '\u0B90') || (c >= '\u0B92' && c <= '\u0B95') || (c >= '\u0B99' && c <= '\u0B9A') 
983              || (c == '\u0B9C') 
984              || (c >= '\u0B9E' && c <= '\u0B9F') || (c >= '\u0BA3' && c <= '\u0BA4') || (c >= '\u0BA8' && c <= '\u0BAA') 
985              || (c >= '\u0BAE' && c <= '\u0BB5') || (c >= '\u0BB7' && c <= '\u0BB9') || (c >= '\u0C05' && c <= '\u0C0C') 
986              || (c >= '\u0C0E' && c <= '\u0C10') || (c >= '\u0C12' && c <= '\u0C28') || (c >= '\u0C2A' && c <= '\u0C33') 
987              || (c >= '\u0C35' && c <= '\u0C39') || (c >= '\u0C60' && c <= '\u0C61') || (c >= '\u0C85' && c <= '\u0C8C') 
988              || (c >= '\u0C8E' && c <= '\u0C90') || (c >= '\u0C92' && c <= '\u0CA8') || (c >= '\u0CAA' && c <= '\u0CB3') 
989              || (c >= '\u0CB5' && c <= '\u0CB9') 
990              || (c == '\u0CDE') 
991              || (c >= '\u0CE0' && c <= '\u0CE1') || (c >= '\u0D05' && c <= '\u0D0C') || (c >= '\u0D0E' && c <= '\u0D10') 
992              || (c >= '\u0D12' && c <= '\u0D28') || (c >= '\u0D2A' && c <= '\u0D39') || (c >= '\u0D60' && c <= '\u0D61') 
993              || (c >= '\u0E01' && c <= '\u0E2E') 
994              || (c == '\u0E30') 
995              || (c >= '\u0E32' && c <= '\u0E33') || (c >= '\u0E40' && c <= '\u0E45') || (c >= '\u0E81' && c <= '\u0E82') 
996              || (c == '\u0E84') 
997              || (c >= '\u0E87' && c <= '\u0E88') 
998              || (c == '\u0E8A') 
999              || (c == '\u0E8D') 
1000             || (c >= '\u0E94' && c <= '\u0E97') || (c >= '\u0E99' && c <= '\u0E9F') || (c >= '\u0EA1' && c <= '\u0EA3') 
1001             || (c == '\u0EA5') 
1002             || (c == '\u0EA7') 
1003             || (c >= '\u0EAA' && c <= '\u0EAB') || (c >= '\u0EAD' && c <= '\u0EAE') 
1004             || (c == '\u0EB0') 
1005             || (c >= '\u0EB2' && c <= '\u0EB3') 
1006             || (c == '\u0EBD') 
1007             || (c >= '\u0EC0' && c <= '\u0EC4') || (c >= '\u0F40' && c <= '\u0F47') || (c >= '\u0F49' && c <= '\u0F69') 
1008             || (c >= '\u10A0' && c <= '\u10C5') || (c >= '\u10D0' && c <= '\u10F6') 
1009             || (c == '\u1100') 
1010             || (c >= '\u1102' && c <= '\u1103') || (c >= '\u1105' && c <= '\u1107') 
1011             || (c == '\u1109') 
1012             || (c >= '\u110B' && c <= '\u110C') || (c >= '\u110E' && c <= '\u1112') 
1013             || (c == '\u113C') 
1014             || (c == '\u113E') 
1015             || (c == '\u1140') 
1016             || (c == '\u114C') 
1017             || (c == '\u114E') 
1018             || (c == '\u1150') 
1019             || (c >= '\u1154' && c <= '\u1155') 
1020             || (c == '\u1159') 
1021             || (c >= '\u115F' && c <= '\u1161') 
1022             || (c == '\u1163') 
1023             || (c == '\u1165') 
1024             || (c == '\u1167') 
1025             || (c == '\u1169') 
1026             || (c >= '\u116D' && c <= '\u116E') || (c >= '\u1172' && c <= '\u1173') 
1027             || (c == '\u1175') 
1028             || (c == '\u119E') 
1029             || (c == '\u11A8') 
1030             || (c == '\u11AB') 
1031             || (c >= '\u11AE' && c <= '\u11AF') || (c >= '\u11B7' && c <= '\u11B8') 
1032             || (c == '\u11BA') 
1033             || (c >= '\u11BC' && c <= '\u11C2') 
1034             || (c == '\u11EB') 
1035             || (c == '\u11F0') 
1036             || (c == '\u11F9') 
1037             || (c >= '\u1E00' && c <= '\u1E9B') || (c >= '\u1EA0' && c <= '\u1EF9') || (c >= '\u1F00' && c <= '\u1F15') 
1038             || (c >= '\u1F18' && c <= '\u1F1D') || (c >= '\u1F20' && c <= '\u1F45') || (c >= '\u1F48' && c <= '\u1F4D') 
1039             || (c >= '\u1F50' && c <= '\u1F57') 
1040             || (c == '\u1F59') 
1041             || (c == '\u1F5B') 
1042             || (c == '\u1F5D') 
1043             || (c >= '\u1F5F' && c <= '\u1F7D') || (c >= '\u1F80' && c <= '\u1FB4') || (c >= '\u1FB6' && c <= '\u1FBC') 
1044             || (c == '\u1FBE') 
1045             || (c >= '\u1FC2' && c <= '\u1FC4') || (c >= '\u1FC6' && c <= '\u1FCC') || (c >= '\u1FD0' && c <= '\u1FD3') 
1046             || (c >= '\u1FD6' && c <= '\u1FDB') || (c >= '\u1FE0' && c <= '\u1FEC') || (c >= '\u1FF2' && c <= '\u1FF4') 
1047             || (c >= '\u1FF6' && c <= '\u1FFC') 
1048             || (c == '\u2126') 
1049             || (c >= '\u212A' && c <= '\u212B') 
1050             || (c == '\u212E') 
1051             || (c >= '\u2180' && c <= '\u2182') || (c >= '\u3041' && c <= '\u3094') || (c >= '\u30A1' && c <= '\u30FA') 
1052             || (c >= '\u3105' && c <= '\u312C') || (c >= '\uAC00' && c <= '\uD7A3');
1053     }
1055     /** BaseChar - XMl Specification 1.0 [86] */
1056     private static final boolean Ideographic(char c) {
1057         return (c >= '\u4E00' && c <= '\u9FA5') || c == '\u3007' || (c >= '\u3021' && c <= '\u3029');
1058     }
1060     /** CombiningChar - XMl Specification 1.0 [87] */
1061     /*private static final boolean CombiningChar(char c) {
1062         return (c >= '\u0300' && c <= '\u0345')
1063             || (c >= '\u0360' && c <= '\u0361') || (c >= '\u0483' && c <= '\u0486') || (c >= '\u0591' && c <= '\u05A1') 
1064             || (c >= '\u05A3' && c <= '\u05B9') || (c >= '\u05BB' && c <= '\u05BD') 
1065             || (c == '\u05BF') 
1066             || (c >= '\u05C1' && c <= '\u05C2') 
1067             || (c == '\u05C4') 
1068             || (c >= '\u064B' && c <= '\u0652') 
1069             || (c == '\u0670') 
1070             || (c >= '\u06D6' && c <= '\u06DC') || (c >= '\u06DD' && c <= '\u06DF') || (c >= '\u06E0' && c <= '\u06E4') 
1071             || (c >= '\u06E7' && c <= '\u06E8') || (c >= '\u06EA' && c <= '\u06ED') || (c >= '\u0901' && c <= '\u0903') 
1072             || (c == '\u093C') 
1073             || (c >= '\u093E' && c <= '\u094C') 
1074             || (c == '\u094D') 
1075             || (c >= '\u0951' && c <= '\u0954') || (c >= '\u0962' && c <= '\u0963') || (c >= '\u0981' && c <= '\u0983') 
1076             || (c == '\u09BC') 
1077             || (c == '\u09BE') 
1078             || (c == '\u09BF') 
1079             || (c >= '\u09C0' && c <= '\u09C4') || (c >= '\u09C7' && c <= '\u09C8') || (c >= '\u09CB' && c <= '\u09CD') 
1080             || (c == '\u09D7') 
1081             || (c >= '\u09E2' && c <= '\u09E3') 
1082             || (c == '\u0A02') 
1083             || (c == '\u0A3C') 
1084             || (c == '\u0A3E') 
1085             || (c == '\u0A3F') 
1086             || (c >= '\u0A40' && c <= '\u0A42') || (c >= '\u0A47' && c <= '\u0A48') || (c >= '\u0A4B' && c <= '\u0A4D') 
1087             || (c >= '\u0A70' && c <= '\u0A71') || (c >= '\u0A81' && c <= '\u0A83') 
1088             || (c == '\u0ABC') 
1089             || (c >= '\u0ABE' && c <= '\u0AC5') || (c >= '\u0AC7' && c <= '\u0AC9') || (c >= '\u0ACB' && c <= '\u0ACD') 
1090             || (c >= '\u0B01' && c <= '\u0B03') 
1091             || (c == '\u0B3C') 
1092             || (c >= '\u0B3E' && c <= '\u0B43') || (c >= '\u0B47' && c <= '\u0B48') || (c >= '\u0B4B' && c <= '\u0B4D') 
1093             || (c >= '\u0B56' && c <= '\u0B57') || (c >= '\u0B82' && c <= '\u0B83') || (c >= '\u0BBE' && c <= '\u0BC2') 
1094             || (c >= '\u0BC6' && c <= '\u0BC8') || (c >= '\u0BCA' && c <= '\u0BCD') 
1095             || (c == '\u0BD7') 
1096             || (c >= '\u0C01' && c <= '\u0C03') || (c >= '\u0C3E' && c <= '\u0C44') || (c >= '\u0C46' && c <= '\u0C48') 
1097             || (c >= '\u0C4A' && c <= '\u0C4D') || (c >= '\u0C55' && c <= '\u0C56') || (c >= '\u0C82' && c <= '\u0C83') 
1098             || (c >= '\u0CBE' && c <= '\u0CC4') || (c >= '\u0CC6' && c <= '\u0CC8') || (c >= '\u0CCA' && c <= '\u0CCD') 
1099             || (c >= '\u0CD5' && c <= '\u0CD6') || (c >= '\u0D02' && c <= '\u0D03') || (c >= '\u0D3E' && c <= '\u0D43') 
1100             || (c >= '\u0D46' && c <= '\u0D48') || (c >= '\u0D4A' && c <= '\u0D4D') 
1101             || (c == '\u0D57') 
1102             || (c == '\u0E31') 
1103             || (c >= '\u0E34' && c <= '\u0E3A') || (c >= '\u0E47' && c <= '\u0E4E') 
1104             || (c == '\u0EB1') 
1105             || (c >= '\u0EB4' && c <= '\u0EB9') || (c >= '\u0EBB' && c <= '\u0EBC') || (c >= '\u0EC8' && c <= '\u0ECD') 
1106             || (c >= '\u0F18' && c <= '\u0F19') 
1107             || (c == '\u0F35') 
1108             || (c == '\u0F37') 
1109             || (c == '\u0F39') 
1110             || (c == '\u0F3E') 
1111             || (c == '\u0F3F') 
1112             || (c >= '\u0F71' && c <= '\u0F84') || (c >= '\u0F86' && c <= '\u0F8B') || (c >= '\u0F90' && c <= '\u0F95') 
1113             || (c == '\u0F97') 
1114             || (c >= '\u0F99' && c <= '\u0FAD') || (c >= '\u0FB1' && c <= '\u0FB7') 
1115             || (c == '\u0FB9') 
1116             || (c >= '\u20D0' && c <= '\u20DC') 
1117             || (c == '\u20E1') 
1118             || (c >= '\u302A' && c <= '\u302F') 
1119             || (c == '\u3099') 
1120             || (c == '\u309A');
1121     }*/
1123     /** Digit - XMl Specification 1.0 [88] */
1124     private static final boolean Digit(char c) {
1125         return (c >= '\u0030' && c <= '\u0039') || (c >= '\u0660' && c <= '\u0669') || (c >= '\u06F0' && c <= '\u06F9')
1126             || (c >= '\u0966' && c <= '\u096F') || (c >= '\u09E6' && c <= '\u09EF') || (c >= '\u0A66' && c <= '\u0A6F')
1127             || (c >= '\u0AE6' && c <= '\u0AEF') || (c >= '\u0B66' && c <= '\u0B6F') || (c >= '\u0BE7' && c <= '\u0BEF')
1128             || (c >= '\u0C66' && c <= '\u0C6F') || (c >= '\u0CE6' && c <= '\u0CEF') || (c >= '\u0D66' && c <= '\u0D6F')
1129             || (c >= '\u0E50' && c <= '\u0E59') || (c >= '\u0ED0' && c <= '\u0ED9') || (c >= '\u0F20' && c <= '\u0F29');
1130     }
1132     /** Extender - XMl Specification 1.0 [89] */
1133     private static final boolean Extender(char c) {
1134         return c == '\u00B7' || c == '\u02D0' || c == '\u02D1' || c == '\u0387'
1135             || c == '\u0640' || c == '\u0E46' || c == '\u0EC6' || c == '\u3005'
1136             || (c >= '\u3031' && c <= '\u3035') || (c >= '\u309D' && c <= '\u309E') || (c >= '\u30FC' && c <= '\u30FE');
1137     }
1139     /** Whitespace - XML Specification 1.0 [3] */
1140     private static final boolean S(char c) {
1141         return c == '\u0020' || c == '\u0009' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
1142     }
1143 }