1    // Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Megacz <adam@xwt.org> all rights reserved.
2    //
3    // You may modify, copy, and redistribute this code under the terms of
4    // the GNU Library Public License version 2.1, with the exception of
5    // the portion of clause 6a after the semicolon (aka the "obnoxious
6    // relink clause")
8    package org.xwt.util;
10   import java.util.*;
12   /** Implementation of an unsynchronized hash table, with one or two
13    *  keys, using Radke's quadradic residue linear probing instead of
14    *  buckets to minimize object count (less allocations, faster GC).
15    *  See C. Radke, Communications of the ACM, 1970, 103-105
16    *
17    *  Not threadsafe.
18    */
19   public class Hash {
20       /** this object is inserted as key in a slot when the
21        *  corresponding value is removed -- this ensures that the
22        *  probing sequence for any given key remains the same even if
23        *  other keys are removed.
24        */
25       private static Object placeholder = new Object();
27       /** the number of entries with at least one non-null key */
28       private int usedslots = 0;
30       /** the number of entries with non-null values */
31       protected int size = 0;
33       /** when num_slots < loadFactor * size, rehash into a bigger table */
34       private final int loadFactor;
36       /** primary keys */
37       private Object[] keys1 = null;
39       /** secondary keys; null if no secondary key has ever been added */
40       private Object[] keys2 = null;
42       /** the values for the table */
43       private Object[] vals = null;
45       /** the number of entries with a non-null value */
46       public int size() { return size; }
48       /** empties the table */
49       public void clear() {
50           size = 0;
51           usedslots = 0;
52           for(int i=0; i<vals.length; i++) {
53               vals[i] = null;
54               keys1[i] = null;
55               if (keys2 != null) keys2[i] = null;
56           }
57       }
59       /** returns all the primary keys in the table */
60       public Enumeration keys() { return new HashEnum(); }
62       public Hash() { this(25, 3); }
63       public Hash(int initialcapacity, int loadFactor) {
64           // using a pseudoprime in the form 4x+3 ensures full coverage
65           initialcapacity = initialcapacity / 4;
66           initialcapacity = 4 * initialcapacity + 3;
67           keys1 = new Object[initialcapacity];
68           vals = new Object[initialcapacity];
69           this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
70       }
72       public void remove(Object k1) { remove(k1, null); }
73       public void remove(Object k1, Object k2) { put_(k1, k2, null); }
75       private void rehash() {
76           Object[] oldkeys1 = keys1;
77           Object[] oldkeys2 = keys2;
78           Object[] oldvals = vals;
79           keys1 = new Object[oldvals.length * 2];
80           keys2 = oldkeys2 == null ? null : new Object[oldvals.length * 2];
81           vals = new Object[oldvals.length * 2];
82           size = 0;
83           usedslots = 0;
84           for(int i=0; i<oldvals.length; i++)
85               if (((oldkeys1[i] != null && oldkeys1[i] != placeholder) || (oldkeys2 != null && oldkeys2[i] != null)) && oldvals[i] != null)
86                   put_(oldkeys1[i], oldkeys2 == null ? null : oldkeys2[i], oldvals[i]);
87       }
89       public Object get(Object k1) { return get(k1, null); }
90       public Object get(Object k1, Object k2) {
91           if (k2 != null && keys2 == null) return null;
92           int hash = (k1 == null ? 0 : k1.hashCode()) ^ (k2 == null ? 0 : k2.hashCode());
93           int dest = Math.abs(hash) % vals.length;
94           int odest = dest;
95           int tries = 1;
96           boolean plus = true;
97           while (keys1[dest] != null || (keys2 != null && keys2[dest] != null)) {
98               Object hk1 = keys1[dest];
99               Object hk2 = keys2 == null ? null : keys2[dest];
100              if ((k1 == hk1 || (k1 != null && hk1 != null && k1.equals(hk1))) &&
101                  (k2 == hk2 || (k2 != null && hk2 != null && k2.equals(hk2)))) {
102                  return vals[dest];
103              }
104              dest = Math.abs((odest + (plus ? 1 : -1 ) * tries * tries) % vals.length);
105              if (plus) tries++;
106              plus = !plus;
107          }
108          return null;
109      }
111      public void put(Object k1, Object v) { put(k1, null, v); }
112      public void put(Object k1, Object k2, Object v) { put_(k1, k2, v); }
113      private void put_(Object k1, Object k2, Object v) {
114          if (usedslots * loadFactor > vals.length) rehash();
115          int hash = (k1 == null ? 0 : k1.hashCode()) ^ (k2 == null ? 0 : k2.hashCode());
116          int dest = Math.abs(hash) % vals.length;
117          int odest = dest;
118          boolean plus = true;
119          int tries = 1;
120          while (true) {
121              Object hk1 = keys1[dest];
122              Object hk2 = keys2 == null ? null : keys2[dest];
123              if (hk1 == null && hk2 == null) {                                         // empty slot
124                  if (v == null) return;
125                  size++;
126                  usedslots++;
127                  break;
128              }
130              if ((k1 == hk1 || (k1 != null && hk1 != null && k1.equals(hk1))) &&       // replacing former entry
131                  (k2 == hk2 || (k2 != null && hk2 != null && k2.equals(hk2)))) {
133                  // we don't actually remove things from the table; rather, we insert a placeholder
134                  if (v == null) {
135                      k1 = placeholder;
136                      k2 = null;
137                      size--;
138                  }
139                  break;
140              }
142              dest = Math.abs((odest + (plus ? 1 : -1 ) * tries * tries) % vals.length);
143              if (plus) tries++;
144              plus = !plus;
145          }
147          keys1[dest] = k1;
148          if (k2 != null && keys2 == null) keys2 = new Object[keys1.length];
149          if (keys2 != null) keys2[dest] = k2;
150          vals[dest] = v;
151      }
153      private class HashEnum implements java.util.Enumeration {
154          private int iterator = 0;
155          private int found = 0;
157          public HashEnum () { }
159          public boolean hasMoreElements() {
160              return found < usedslots;
161          }
163          public Object nextElement() {
164              if (!hasMoreElements()) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
166              Object o = null;
167              while (o == null) o = keys1[iterator++];
168              if (o == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Didn't find an element, when I should have.");
169              found++;
171              return o;
172          }
173      }
174  }