1    // Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Megacz <adam@xwt.org> all rights reserved.
2    //
3    // You may modify, copy, and redistribute this code under the terms of
4    // the GNU Library Public License version 2.1, with the exception of
5    // the portion of clause 6a after the semicolon (aka the "obnoxious
6    // relink clause")
8    package org.xwt.util;
10   import java.util.*;
12   /** 
13    *  A general-purpose data structure for holding a list of rectangular
14    *  regions that need to be repainted, with intelligent coalescing.
15    *
16    *  DirtyList will unify two regions A and B if the smallest rectangle
17    *  enclosing both A and B occupies no more than epsilon + Area_A +
18    *  Area_B. Failing this, if two corners of A fall within B, A will be
19    *  shrunk to exclude the union of A and B.
20    */
21   public class DirtyList {
23       public DirtyList() { }
25       /** The dirty regions (each one is an int[4]). */
26       private int[][] dirties = new int[10][];
28       /** The number of dirty regions */
29       private int numdirties = 0;
31       /** See class comment */
32       private static final int epsilon = 50 * 50;
34       public int num() { return numdirties; }
36       /** grows the array */
37       private void grow() {
38           int[][] newdirties = new int[dirties.length * 2][];
39           System.arraycopy(dirties, 0, newdirties, 0, numdirties);
40           dirties = newdirties;
41       }
43       /** Add a new rectangle to the dirty list; returns false if the
44        *  region fell completely within an existing rectangle or set of
45        *  rectangles (ie did not expand the dirty area)
46        */
47       public synchronized boolean dirty(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
48           if (numdirties == dirties.length) grow();
50           // we attempt the "lossless" combinations first
51           for(int i=0; i<numdirties; i++) {
52               int[] cur = dirties[i];
54               // new region falls completely within existing region
55               if (x >= cur[0] && y >= cur[1] && x + w <= cur[0] + cur[2] && y + h <= cur[1] + cur[3]) {
56                   return false;
58               // existing region falls completely within new region
59               } else if (x <= cur[0] && y <= cur[1] && x + w >= cur[0] + cur[2] && y + h >= cur[1] + cur[3]) {
60                   dirties[i][2] = 0;
61                   dirties[i][3] = 0;
63               // left end of new region falls within existing region
64               } else if (x >= cur[0] && x < cur[0] + cur[2] && y >= cur[1] && y + h <= cur[1] + cur[3]) {
65                   w = x + w - (cur[0] + cur[2]);
66                   x = cur[0] + cur[2];
67                   i = -1; continue;
69               // right end of new region falls within existing region
70               } else if (x + w > cur[0] && x + w <= cur[0] + cur[2] && y >= cur[1] && y + h <= cur[1] + cur[3]) {
71                   w = cur[0] - x;
72                   i = -1; continue;
74               // top end of new region falls within existing region
75               } else if (x >= cur[0] && x + w <= cur[0] + cur[2] && y >= cur[1] && y < cur[1] + cur[3]) {
76                   h = y + h - (cur[1] + cur[3]);
77                   y = cur[1] + cur[3];
78                   i = -1; continue;
80               // bottom end of new region falls within existing region
81               } else if (x >= cur[0] && x + w <= cur[0] + cur[2] && y + h > cur[1] && y + h <= cur[1] + cur[3]) {
82                   h = cur[1] - y;
83                   i = -1; continue;
85               // left end of existing region falls within new region
86               } else if (dirties[i][0] >= x && dirties[i][0] < x + w && dirties[i][1] >= y && dirties[i][1] + dirties[i][3] <= y + h) {
87                   dirties[i][2] = dirties[i][2] - (x + w - dirties[i][0]);
88                   dirties[i][0] = x + w;
89                   i = -1; continue;
91               // right end of existing region falls within new region
92               } else if (dirties[i][0] + dirties[i][2] > x && dirties[i][0] + dirties[i][2] <= x + w &&
93                          dirties[i][1] >= y && dirties[i][1] + dirties[i][3] <= y + h) {
94                   dirties[i][2] = x - dirties[i][0];
95                   i = -1; continue;
97               // top end of existing region falls within new region
98               } else if (dirties[i][0] >= x && dirties[i][0] + dirties[i][2] <= x + w && dirties[i][1] >= y && dirties[i][1] < y + h) {
99                   dirties[i][3] = dirties[i][3] - (y + h - dirties[i][1]);
100                  dirties[i][1] = y + h;
101                  i = -1; continue;
103              // bottom end of existing region falls within new region
104              } else if (dirties[i][0] >= x && dirties[i][0] + dirties[i][2] <= x + w &&
105                         dirties[i][1] + dirties[i][3] > y && dirties[i][1] + dirties[i][3] <= y + h) {
106                  dirties[i][3] = y - dirties[i][1];
107                  i = -1; continue;
108              }
110          }
112          // then we attempt the "lossy" combinations
113          for(int i=0; i<numdirties; i++) {
114              int[] cur = dirties[i];
115              if (w > 0 && h > 0 && cur[2] > 0 && cur[3] > 0 &&
116                  ((max(x + w, cur[0] + cur[2]) - min(x, cur[0])) *
117                   (max(y + h, cur[1] + cur[3]) - min(y, cur[1])) <
118                   w * h + cur[2] * cur[3] + epsilon)) {
119                  int a = min(cur[0], x);
120                  int b = min(cur[1], y);
121                  int c = max(x + w, cur[0] + cur[2]) - min(cur[0], x);
122                  int d = max(y + h, cur[1] + cur[3]) - min(cur[1], y);
123                  dirties[i][2] = 0;
124                  dirties[i][3] = 0;
125                  return dirty(a, b, c, d);
126              }
127          }
129          dirties[numdirties++] = new int[] { x, y, w, h };
130          return true;
131      }
133      /** Returns true if there are no regions that need repainting */
134      public boolean empty() { return (numdirties == 0); }
136      /**
137       *  Atomically returns the list of dirty rectangles as an array of
138       *  four-int arrays and clears the internal dirty-rectangle
139       *  list. Note that some of the regions returned may be null, or
140       *  may have zero height or zero width, and do not need to be
141       *  repainted.
142       */
143      public synchronized int[][] flush() {
144          if (numdirties == 0) return null;
145          int[][] ret = dirties;
146          for(int i=numdirties; i<ret.length; i++) ret[i] = null;
147          dirties = new int[dirties.length][];
148          numdirties = 0;
149          return ret;
150      }
152      /** included here so that it can be inlined */
153      private static final int min(int a, int b) {
154          if (a<b) return a;
155          else return b;
156      }
158      /** included here so that it can be inlined */
159      private static final int max(int a, int b) {
160          if (a>b) return a;
161          else return b;
162      }
164      /** included here so that it can be inlined */
165      private static final int min(int a, int b, int c) {
166          if (a<=b && a<=c) return a;
167          else if (b<=c && b<=a) return b;
168          else return c;
169      }
171      /** included here so that it can be inlined */
172      private static final int max(int a, int b, int c) {
173          if (a>=b && a>=c) return a;
174          else if (b>=c && b>=a) return b;
175          else return c;
176      }
178      /** included here so that it can be inlined */
179      private static final int bound(int a, int b, int c) {
180          if (a > b) return a;
181          if (c < b) return c;
182          return b;
183      }
185  }