1    // Copyright (C) 2003 Adam Megacz <adam@xwt.org> all rights reserved.
2    //
3    // You may modify, copy, and redistribute this code under the terms of
4    // the GNU Library Public License version 2.1, with the exception of
5    // the portion of clause 6a after the semicolon (aka the "obnoxious
6    // relink clause")
8    package org.xwt.util;
10   // FEATURE: private void intersection() { }
11   // FEATURE: private void union() { }
12   // FEATURE: private void subset() { }
13   // FEATURE: grow if we run out of slots
15   /** a weight-balanced tree with fake leaves */
16   public class BalancedTree {
19       // Instance Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21       private int root = 0;                         ///< the slot of the root element
23       private int cached_index = -1;
24       private int cached_slot = -1;
26       // Public API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28       /** the number of elements in the tree */
29       public final int treeSize() { return root == 0 ? 0 : size[root]; }
31       /** clamps index to [0..treeSize()] and inserts object o *before* the specified index */
32       public final synchronized void insertNode(int index, Object o) {
33           if(o == null) throw new Error("can't insert nulls in the balanced tree");
34           cached_slot = cached_index = -1;
35           if (index < 0) index = 0;
36           if (index > treeSize()) index = treeSize();
37           int arg = allocateSlot(o);
38           if (root != 0) {
39               insert(index, arg, root, 0, false, false);
40           } else {
41               root = arg;
42               left[arg] = right[arg] = parent[arg] = 0;
43               size[arg] = 1;
44           }
45       }
47       /** clamps index to [0..treeSize()-1] and replaces the object at that index with object o */
48       public final synchronized void replaceNode(int index, Object o) {
49           if(o == null) throw new Error("can't insert nulls in the balanced tree");
50           cached_slot = cached_index = -1;
51           if(root == 0) throw new Error("called replaceNode() on an empty tree");
52           if (index < 0) index = 0;
53           if (index >= treeSize()) index = treeSize() - 1;
54           int arg = allocateSlot(o);
55           insert(index, arg, root, 0, true, false);
56       }
58       /** returns the index of o; runs in O((log n)^2) time unless cache hit */
59       public final synchronized int indexNode(Object o) { 
60           if(o == null) return -1;
61           if (cached_slot != -1 && objects[cached_slot] == o) return cached_index;
63           int slot = getSlot(o);
64           if(slot == -1) return -1;
66           int index = 0;
67           while(true) {
68               // everything to the left is before us so add that to the index
69               index += sizeof(left[slot]);
70               // we are before anything on the right
71               while(left[parent[slot]] == slot) slot = parent[slot];
72               // we end of the first node who isn't on the left, go to the node that has as its child
73               slot = parent[slot];
74               // if we just processed the root we're done
75               if(slot == 0) break;
76               // count the node we're currently on towards the index
77               index++;
78           }
79           return index;
80       }
82       /** returns the object at index; runs in O(log n) time unless cache hit */
83       public final synchronized Object getNode(int index) {
84           if (index == cached_index) return objects[cached_slot];
86           if (cached_index != -1) {
87               int distance = Math.abs(index - cached_index);
88               // if the in-order distance between the cached node and the
89               // target node is less than log(n), it's probably faster to
90               // search directly.
91               if ((distance < 16) && ((2 << distance) < treeSize())) {
92                   while(cached_index > index) { cached_slot = prev(cached_slot); cached_index--; }
93                   while(cached_index < index) { cached_slot = next(cached_slot); cached_index++; }
94                   return objects[cached_slot];
95               }
96           }
97           /*
98           cached_index = index;
99           cached_slot = get(index, root);
100          return objects[cached_slot];
101          */
102          return objects[get(index, root)];
103      }
105      /** deletes the object at index, returning the deleted object */
106      public final synchronized Object deleteNode(int index) {
107          cached_slot = cached_index = -1;
108          // FIXME: left[], right[], size[], and parent[] aren't getting cleared properly somewhere in here where a node had two children
109          int del = delete(index, root, 0);
110          left[del] = right[del] = size[del] = parent[del] = 0;
111          Object ret = objects[del];
112          objects[del] = null;
113          return ret;
114      }
116      public final synchronized void clear() {
117          if(root == 0) return;
118          int i = leftmost(root);
119          do {
120              int next = next(i);
121              objects[i] = null;
122              left[i] = right[i] = size[i] = parent[i] = 0;
123              i = next;
124          } while(i != 0);
125          root = 0;
126      }
128      protected void finalize() { clear(); }
131      // Node Data /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
133      private final static int NUM_SLOTS = 64 * 1024;
134      // FEATURE: GROW - private final static int MAX_SLOT_DISTANCE = 32;
136      /**
137       * Every object inserted into *any* tree gets a "slot" in this
138       * array.  The slot is determined by hashcode modulo the length of
139       * the array, with quadradic probing to resolve collisions.  NOTE
140       * that the "slot" of a node is NOT the same as its index.
141       * Furthermore, if an object is inserted into multiple trees, that
142       * object will have multiple slots.
143       */
144      private static Object[] objects = new Object[NUM_SLOTS];
146      /// These two arrays hold the left and right children of each
147      /// slot; in other words, left[x] is the *slot* of the left child
148      /// of the node in slot x.
149      ///
150      /// If x has no left child, then left[x] is -1 multiplied by the
151      /// slot of the node that precedes x; if x is the first node, then
152      /// left[x] is 0.  The right[] array works the same way.
153      ///
154      private static int[] left = new int[NUM_SLOTS];
155      private static int[] right = new int[NUM_SLOTS];
157      /// The parent of this node (0 if it is the root node)
158      private static int[] parent = new int[NUM_SLOTS];
160      ///< the number of descendants of this node *including the node itself*
161      private static int[] size = new int[NUM_SLOTS];
164      // Slot Management //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
166      /** if alloc == false returns the slot holding object o. if alloc is true returns a new slot for obejct o */
167      private int getSlot(Object o, boolean alloc) {
168          // we XOR with our own hashcode so that we don't get tons of
169          // collisions when a single Object is inserted into multiple
170          // trees
171          int dest = Math.abs(o.hashCode() ^ this.hashCode()) % objects.length;
172          Object search = alloc ? null : o;
173          int odest = dest;
174          boolean plus = true;
175          int tries = 1;
176          while (objects[dest] != search || !(alloc || root(dest) == root)) {
177              if (dest == 0) dest++;
178              dest = Math.abs((odest + (plus ? 1 : -1) * tries * tries) % objects.length);
179              if (plus) tries++;
180              plus = !plus;
181              // FEATURE: GROW - if(tries > MAX_SLOT_DISTANCE) return -1;
182          }
183          return dest;
184      }
186      /** returns the slots holding object o */
187      private int getSlot(Object o) { return getSlot(o,false); }
189      /** allocates a new slot holding object o*/
190      private int allocateSlot(Object o) {
191          int slot = getSlot(o, true);
192          // FEATURE: GROW - if(slot == -1) throw new Error("out of slots");
193          objects[slot] = o;
194          return slot;
195      }
199      // Helpers /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201      private final int leftmost(int slot) { return left[slot] <= 0 ? slot : leftmost(left[slot]); }
202      private final int rightmost(int slot) { return right[slot] <= 0 ? slot : rightmost(right[slot]); }
203      private final int next(int slot) { return right[slot] <= 0 ? -1 * right[slot] : leftmost(right[slot]); }
204      private final int prev(int slot) { return left[slot] <= 0 ? -1 * left[slot] : rightmost(left[slot]); }
205      private final int sizeof(int slot) { return slot <= 0 ? 0 : size[slot]; }
206      private final int root(int slot) { return parent[slot] == 0 ? slot : root(parent[slot]); }
209      // Rotation and Balancing /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
211      //      p                  p
212      //      |                  |
213      //      b                  d 
214      //     / \                / \
215      //    a   d    < == >    b   e
216      //       / \            / \
217      //      c   e          a   c
218      // FIXME might be doing too much work here
219      private void rotate(boolean toTheLeft, int b, int p) {
220          int[] left = toTheLeft ? BalancedTree.left : BalancedTree.right;
221          int[] right = toTheLeft ? BalancedTree.right : BalancedTree.left;
222          int d = right[b];
223          int c = left[d];
224          if (d <= 0) throw new Error("rotation error");
225          left[d] = b;
226          if(size[b] <= 3) // b is now a leaf
227              right[b] = -d;
228          else
229              right[b] = c;
230          parent[b] = d;
231          parent[d] = p;
232          if(c > 0) parent[c] = b;
233          if (p == 0)              root = d;
234          else if (left[p] == b)   left[p] = d;
235          else if (right[p] == b)  right[p] = d;
236          else throw new Error("rotate called with invalid parent");
237          size[b] = 1 + sizeof(left[b]) + sizeof(right[b]);
238          size[d] = 1 + sizeof(left[d]) + sizeof(right[d]);
239      }
241      private void balance(int slot, int p) {
242          if (slot <= 0) return;
243          size[slot] = 1 + sizeof(left[slot]) + sizeof(right[slot]);
244          if (sizeof(left[slot]) - 1 > 2 * sizeof(right[slot])) rotate(false, slot, p);
245          else if (sizeof(left[slot]) * 2 < sizeof(right[slot]) - 1) rotate(true, slot, p);
246      }
250      // Insert /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
252      private void insert(int index, int arg, int slot, int p, boolean replace, boolean wentLeft) {
253          int diff = slot <= 0 ? 0 : index - sizeof(left[slot]);
254          if (slot > 0 && diff != 0) {
255              if (diff < 0) insert(index, arg, left[slot], slot, replace, true);
256              else insert(index - sizeof(left[slot]) - 1, arg, right[slot], slot, replace, false);
257              balance(slot, p);
258              return;
259          }
261          if (size[arg] != 0) throw new Error("double insertion");
263          // we are replacing an existing node
264          if (replace) {
265              if (diff != 0) throw new Error("this should never happen"); // since we already clamped the index
266              if (p == 0)                 root = arg;
267              else if (left[p] == slot)   left[p] = arg;
268              else if (right[p] == slot)  right[p] = arg;
269              left[arg] = left[slot];
270              right[arg] = right[slot];
271              size[arg] = size[slot];
272              parent[arg] = parent[slot];
273              if(left[slot] > 0) parent[left[slot]] = arg;
274              if(right[slot] > 0) parent[right[slot]] = arg;
275              objects[slot] = null;
276              left[slot] = right[slot] = size[slot] = parent[slot] = 0;
278          // we become the child of a former leaf
279          } else if (slot <= 0) {
280              int[] left = wentLeft ? BalancedTree.left : BalancedTree.right;
281              int[] right = wentLeft ? BalancedTree.right : BalancedTree.left;
282              left[arg] = slot;
283              left[p] = arg;
284              right[arg] = -1 * p;
285              parent[arg] = p;
286              balance(arg, p);
288          // we take the place of a preexisting node
289          } else {
290              left[arg] = left[slot];   // steal slot's left subtree
291              left[slot] = -1 * arg;
292              right[arg] = slot;        // make slot our right subtree
293              parent[arg] = parent[slot];
294              parent[slot] = arg;
295              if (slot == root) {
296                  root = arg;
297                  balance(slot, arg);
298                  balance(arg, 0);
299              } else {
300                  if (left[p] == slot)        left[p] = arg;
301                  else if (right[p] == slot)  right[p] = arg;
302                  else throw new Error("should never happen");
303                  balance(slot, arg);
304                  balance(arg, p);
305              }
306          }
307      }
310      // Retrieval //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
312      private int get(int index, int slot) {
313          int diff = index - sizeof(left[slot]);
314          if (diff > 0) return get(diff - 1, right[slot]);
315          else if (diff < 0) return get(index, left[slot]);
316          else return slot;
317      }
320      // Deletion //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
322      private int delete(int index, int slot, int p) {
323          int diff = index - sizeof(left[slot]);
324          if (diff < 0) {
325              int ret = delete(index, left[slot], slot);
326              balance(slot, p);
327              return ret;
329          } else if (diff > 0) {
330              int ret = delete(diff - 1, right[slot], slot);
331              balance(slot, p);
332              return ret;
334          // we found the node to delete
335          } else {
337              // fast path: it has no children
338              if (left[slot] <= 0 && right[slot] <= 0) {
339                  if (p == 0) root = 0;
340                  else {
341                      int[] side = left[p] == slot ? left : right;
342                      side[p] = side[slot];      // fix parent's pointer
343                  }
345              // fast path: it has no left child, so we replace it with its right child
346              } else if (left[slot] <= 0) {
347                  if (p == 0) root = right[slot];
348                  else (left[p] == slot ? left : right)[p] = right[slot];     // fix parent's pointer
349                  parent[right[slot]] = p;
350                  left[leftmost(right[slot])] = left[slot];                             // fix our successor-leaf's fake right ptr
351                  balance(right[slot], p);
353              // fast path; it has no right child, so we replace it with its left child
354              } else if (right[slot] <= 0) {
355                  if (p == 0) root = left[slot];
356                  else (left[p] == slot ? left : right)[p] = left[slot];      // fix parent's pointer
357                  parent[left[slot]] = p;
358                  right[rightmost(left[slot])] = right[slot];                           // fix our successor-leaf's fake right ptr
359                  balance(left[slot], p);
361              // node to be deleted has two children, so we replace it with its left child's rightmost descendant
362              } else {
363                  int left_childs_rightmost = delete(sizeof(left[slot]) - 1, left[slot], slot);
364                  left[left_childs_rightmost] = left[slot];
365                  right[left_childs_rightmost] = right[slot];
366                  if(left[slot] > 0) parent[left[slot]] = left_childs_rightmost;
367                  if(right[slot] > 0) parent[right[slot]] = left_childs_rightmost;
368                  parent[left_childs_rightmost] = parent[slot];
369                  if (p == 0) root = left_childs_rightmost;
370                  else (left[p] == slot ? left : right)[p] = left_childs_rightmost;     // fix parent's pointer
371                  balance(left_childs_rightmost, p);
372              }
374              return slot;
375          }
376      }
378      // Debugging ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
380      public void printTree() {
381          if(root == 0) System.err.println("Tree is empty");
382          else printTree(root,0,false);
383      }
384      private void printTree(int node,int indent,boolean l) {
385          for(int i=0;i<indent;i++) System.err.print("   ");
386          if(node < 0) System.err.println((l?"Prev: " : "Next: ") + -node);
387          else if(node == 0)  System.err.println(l ? "Start" : "End");
388          else {
389              System.err.print("" + node + ": " + objects[node]);
390              System.err.println(" Parent: " + parent[node]);
391              printTree(left[node],indent+1,true);
392              printTree(right[node],indent+1,false);
393          }
394      }
395  }