1    // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL] 
2    package org.xwt.js; 
4    import org.xwt.util.*; 
5    import org.xwt.*; 
6    import java.io.*;
7    import java.util.*;
9    /** The minimum set of functionality required for objects which are manipulated by JavaScript */
10   public class JS extends org.xwt.util.BalancedTree { 
12       public static final Object METHOD = new Object();
13       public final JS unclone() { return _unclone(); }
14       public Enumeration keys() throws JSExn { return entries == null ? emptyEnumeration : entries.keys(); }
15       public Object get(Object key) throws JSExn { return entries == null ? null : entries.get(key, null); }
16       public void put(Object key, Object val) throws JSExn { (entries==null?entries=new Hash():entries).put(key,null,val); }
17       public Object callMethod(Object method, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
18           throw new JSExn("attempted to call the null value (method "+method+")");
19       }    
20       public Object call(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
21           throw new JSExn("you cannot call this object (class=" + this.getClass().getName() +")");
22       }
24       JS _unclone() { return this; }
25       public static class Cloneable extends JS {
26           public Cloneable() { }
27           public Object jsclone() throws JSExn {
28               throw new JSExn("cloning not yet implemented");
29           }
30       }
32       public static class Clone extends JS.Cloneable {
33           protected JS.Cloneable clonee = null;
34           JS _unclone() { return clonee.unclone(); }
35           public JS.Cloneable getClonee() { return clonee; }
36           public Clone(JS.Cloneable clonee) { this.clonee = clonee; }
37           public boolean equals(Object o) {
38               if (!(o instanceof JS)) return false;
39               return unclone() == ((JS)o).unclone();
40           }
41           public Enumeration keys() throws JSExn { return clonee.keys(); }
42           public Object get(Object key) throws JSExn { return clonee.get(key); }
43           public void put(Object key, Object val) throws JSExn { clonee.put(key, val); }
44           public Object callMethod(Object method, Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
45               return clonee.callMethod(method, a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs);
46           }    
47           public Object call(Object a0, Object a1, Object a2, Object[] rest, int nargs) throws JSExn {
48               return clonee.call(a0, a1, a2, rest, nargs);
49           }
50       }
52       // Static Interpreter Control Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54       /** log a message with the current JavaScript sourceName/line */
55       public static void log(Object message) { info(message); }
56       public static void debug(Object message) { Log.debug(Interpreter.getSourceName() + ":" + Interpreter.getLine(), message); }
57       public static void info(Object message) { Log.info(Interpreter.getSourceName() + ":" + Interpreter.getLine(), message); }
58       public static void warn(Object message) { Log.warn(Interpreter.getSourceName() + ":" + Interpreter.getLine(), message); }
59       public static void error(Object message) { Log.error(Interpreter.getSourceName() + ":" + Interpreter.getLine(), message); }
61       public static class NotPauseableException extends Exception { NotPauseableException() { } }
63       /** returns a callback which will restart the context; expects a value to be pushed onto the stack when unpaused */
64       public static UnpauseCallback pause() throws NotPauseableException {
65           Interpreter i = Interpreter.current();
66           if (i.pausecount == -1) throw new NotPauseableException();
67           i.pausecount++;
68           return new JS.UnpauseCallback(i);
69       }
71       public static class UnpauseCallback implements Scheduler.Task {
72           Interpreter i;
73           UnpauseCallback(Interpreter i) { this.i = i; }
74           public void perform() throws JSExn { unpause(null); }
75           public void unpause(Object o) throws JSExn {
76               // FIXME: if o instanceof JSExn, throw it into the JSworld
77               i.stack.push(o);
78               i.resume();
79           }
80       }
84       // Static Helper Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86       /** coerce an object to a Boolean */
87       public static boolean toBoolean(Object o) {
88           if (o == null) return false;
89           if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue();
90           if (o instanceof Long) return ((Long)o).longValue() != 0;
91           if (o instanceof Integer) return ((Integer)o).intValue() != 0;
92           if (o instanceof Number) {
93               double d = ((Number) o).doubleValue();
94               // NOTE: d == d is a test for NaN. It should be faster than Double.isNaN()
95               return d != 0.0 && d == d;
96           }
97           if (o instanceof String) return ((String)o).length() != 0;
98           return true;
99       }
101      /** coerce an object to a Long */
102      public static long toLong(Object o) { return toNumber(o).longValue(); }
104      /** coerce an object to an Int */
105      public static int toInt(Object o) { return toNumber(o).intValue(); }
107      /** coerce an object to a Double */
108      public static double toDouble(Object o) { return toNumber(o).doubleValue(); }
110      /** coerce an object to a Number */
111      public static Number toNumber(Object o) {
112          if (o == null) return ZERO;
113          if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number)o);
115          // NOTE: There are about 3 pages of rules in ecma262 about string to number conversions
116          //       We aren't even close to following all those rules.  We probably never will be.
117          if (o instanceof String) try { return N((String)o); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return N(Double.NaN); }
118          if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean)o).booleanValue() ? N(1) : ZERO;
119          throw new Error("toNumber() got object of type " + o.getClass().getName() + " which we don't know how to handle");
120      }
122      /** coerce an object to a String */
123      public static String toString(Object o) {
124          if(o == null) return "null";
125          if(o instanceof String) return (String) o;
126          if(o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long || o instanceof Boolean) return o.toString();
127          if(o instanceof JSArray) return o.toString();
128          if(o instanceof JSDate) return o.toString();
129          if(o instanceof Double || o instanceof Float) {
130              double d = ((Number)o).doubleValue();
131              if((int)d == d) return Integer.toString((int)d);
132              return o.toString();
133          }
134          throw new RuntimeException("can't coerce that!");
135      }
137      // Instance Methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
139      public static final Integer ZERO = new Integer(0);
141      // this gets around a wierd fluke in the Java type checking rules for ?..:
142      public static final Object T = Boolean.TRUE;
143      public static final Object F = Boolean.FALSE;
145      public static final Boolean B(boolean b) { return b ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; }
146      public static final Boolean B(int i) { return i==0 ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE; }
147      public static final Number N(String s) { return s.indexOf('.') == -1 ? N(Integer.parseInt(s)) : new Double(s); }
148      public static final Number N(double d) { return (int)d == d ? N((int)d) : new Double(d); }
149      public static final Number N(long l) { return N((int)l); }
151      private static final Integer[] smallIntCache = new Integer[65535 / 4];
152      private static final Integer[] largeIntCache = new Integer[65535 / 4];
153      public static final Number N(int i) {
154          Integer ret = null;
155          int idx = i + smallIntCache.length / 2;
156          if (idx < smallIntCache.length && idx > 0) {
157              ret = smallIntCache[idx];
158              if (ret != null) return ret;
159          }
160          else ret = largeIntCache[Math.abs(idx % largeIntCache.length)];
161          if (ret == null || ret.intValue() != i) {
162              ret = new Integer(i);
163              if (idx < smallIntCache.length && idx > 0) smallIntCache[idx] = ret;
164              else largeIntCache[Math.abs(idx % largeIntCache.length)] = ret;
165          }
166          return ret;
167      }
169      private static Enumeration emptyEnumeration = new Enumeration() {
170              public boolean hasMoreElements() { return false; }
171              public Object nextElement() { throw new NoSuchElementException(); }
172          };
174      private Hash entries = null;
176      public static JS fromReader(String sourceName, int firstLine, Reader sourceCode) throws IOException {
177          return JSFunction._fromReader(sourceName, firstLine, sourceCode);
178      }
180      // HACK: caller can't know if the argument is a JSFunction or not...
181      public static JS cloneWithNewParentScope(JS j, JSScope s) {
182          return ((JSFunction)j)._cloneWithNewParentScope(s);
183      }
186      // Trap support //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
188      /** override and return true to allow placing traps on this object.
189       *  if isRead true, this is a read trap, otherwise write trap
190       **/
191      protected boolean isTrappable(Object name, boolean isRead) { return true; }
193      /** performs a put, triggering traps if present; traps are run in an unpauseable interpreter */
194      public void putAndTriggerTraps(Object key, Object value) throws JSExn {
195          Trap t = getTrap(key);
196          if (t != null) t.invoke(value);
197          else put(key, value);
198      }
200      /** performs a get, triggering traps if present; traps are run in an unpauseable interpreter */
201      public Object getAndTriggerTraps(Object key) throws JSExn {
202          Trap t = getTrap(key);
203          if (t != null) return t.invoke();
204          else return get(key);
205      }
207      /** retrieve a trap from the entries hash */
208      protected final Trap getTrap(Object key) {
209          return entries == null ? null : (Trap)entries.get(key, Trap.class);
210      }
212      /** retrieve a trap from the entries hash */
213      protected final void putTrap(Object key, Trap value) {
214          if (entries == null) entries = new Hash();
215          entries.put(key, Trap.class, value);
216      }
218      /** adds a trap, avoiding duplicates */
219      protected final void addTrap(Object name, JSFunction f) throws JSExn {
220          if (f.numFormalArgs > 1) throw new JSExn("traps must take either one argument (write) or no arguments (read)");
221          boolean isRead = f.numFormalArgs == 0;
222          if (!isTrappable(name, isRead)) throw new JSExn("not allowed "+(isRead?"read":"write")+" trap on property: "+name);
223          for(Trap t = getTrap(name); t != null; t = t.next) if (t.f == f) return;
224          putTrap(name, new Trap(this, name.toString(), f, (Trap)getTrap(name)));
225      }
227      /** deletes a trap, if present */
228      protected final void delTrap(Object name, JSFunction f) {
229          Trap t = (Trap)getTrap(name);
230          if (t == null) return;
231          if (t.f == f) { putTrap(t.name, t.next); return; }
232          for(; t.next != null; t = t.next) if (t.next.f == f) { t.next = t.next.next; return; }
233      }
236  }