1    // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL]
2    package org.xwt;
4    import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64;
5    import org.xwt.js.*;
6    import org.xwt.util.*;
7    import java.io.*;
8    import java.util.*;
10   /** 
11    *  A Surface, as described in the XWT Reference.
12    *
13    *  Platform subclasses should include an inner class subclass of
14    *  Surface to return from the Platform._createSurface() method
15    */
16   public abstract class Surface extends PixelBuffer implements Scheduler.Task {
18       // Static Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20       private static Boolean T = Boolean.TRUE;
21       private static Boolean F = Boolean.FALSE;
23       /** all instances of Surface which need to be refreshed by the Scheduler */
24       public static Vec allSurfaces = new Vec();
26       /** When set to true, render() should abort as soon as possible and restart the rendering process */
27       volatile boolean abort = false;
29       // these three variables are used to ensure that user resizes trump programmatic resizes
30       volatile boolean syncRootBoxToSurface = false;
31       volatile int pendingWidth = 0;
32       volatile int pendingHeight = 0;
34       public static boolean alt = false;          ///< true iff the alt button is pressed down
35       public static boolean control = false;      ///< true iff the control button is pressed down
36       public static boolean shift = false;        ///< true iff the shift button is pressed down
37       public static boolean button1 = false;      ///< true iff button 1 is depressed
38       public static boolean button2 = false;      ///< true iff button 2 is depressed
39       public static boolean button3 = false;      ///< true iff button 3 is depressed
42       // Instance Data ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
44       public Box root;                                   ///< The Box at the root of this surface
45       public String cursor = "default";                  ///< The active cursor to switch to when syncCursor() is called
46       public int mousex;                                 ///< x position of the mouse
47       public int mousey;                                 ///< y position of the mouse
48       public int _mousex;                                ///< x position of the mouse FIXME
49       public int _mousey;                                ///< y position of the mouse FIXME
50       public int newmousex = -1;                         ///< x position of the mouse, in real time; this lets us collapse Move's
51       public int newmousey = -1;                         ///< y position of the mouse, in real time; this lets us collapse Move's
52       public boolean minimized = false;                  ///< True iff this surface is minimized, in real time
53       public boolean maximized = false;                  ///< True iff this surface is maximized, in real time
54       DirtyList dirtyRegions = new DirtyList();          ///< Dirty regions on the surface
56       // Used For Simulating Clicks and DoubleClicks /////////////////////////////////////////////////
58       int last_press_x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;      ///< the x-position of the mouse the last time a Press message was enqueued
59       int last_press_y = Integer.MAX_VALUE;      ///< the y-position of the mouse the last time a Press message was enqueued
60       static int lastClickButton = 0;            ///< the last button to recieve a Click message; used for simulating DoubleClick's
61       static long lastClickTime = 0;             ///< the last time a Click message was processed; used for simulating DoubleClick's
64       // Methods to be overridden by subclasses ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66       public abstract void toBack();                     ///< should push surface to the back of the stacking order
67       public abstract void toFront();                    ///< should pull surface to the front of the stacking order
68       public abstract void syncCursor();                 ///< set the actual cursor to this.cursor if they do not match
69       public abstract void setInvisible(boolean b);      ///< If <tt>b</tt>, make window invisible; otherwise, make it non-invisible.
70       protected abstract void _setMaximized(boolean b);  ///< If <tt>b</tt>, maximize the surface; otherwise, un-maximize it.
71       protected abstract void _setMinimized(boolean b);  ///< If <tt>b</tt>, minimize the surface; otherwise, un-minimize it.
72       public abstract void setLocation();                ///< Set the surface's x/y position to that of the root box
73       protected abstract void _setSize(int w, int h);    ///< set the actual size of the surface
74       public abstract void setTitleBarText(String s);    ///< Sets the surface's title bar text, if applicable
75       public abstract void setIcon(Picture i);           ///< Sets the surface's title bar text, if applicable
76       public abstract void _dispose();                   ///< Destroy the surface
77       public void setMinimumSize(int minx, int miny, boolean resizable) { }
78       protected void setSize(int w, int h) { _setSize(w, h); }
81       // Helper methods for subclasses ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
83       protected final void Press(final int button) {
84           last_press_x = mousex;
85           last_press_y = mousey;
87           if (button == 1) button1 = true;
88           else if (button == 2) button2 = true;
89           else if (button == 3) button3 = true;
91           if (button == 1) new Message("_Press1", T, root);
92           else if (button == 2) new Message("_Press2", T, root);
93           else if (button == 3) {
94               final Box who = root;
95               Scheduler.add(new Scheduler.Task() { public void perform() throws JSExn {
96                   Platform.clipboardReadEnabled = true;
97                   try {
98                       root.putAndTriggerTraps("_Press3", T);
99                   } finally {
100                      Platform.clipboardReadEnabled = false;
101                  }
102              }});
103          }
104      }
106      protected final void Release(int button) {
107          if (button == 1) button1 = false;
108          else if (button == 2) button2 = false;
109          else if (button == 3) button3 = false;
111          if (button == 1) new Message("_Release1", T, root);
112          else if (button == 2) new Message("_Release2", T, root);
113          else if (button == 3) new Message("_Release3", T, root);
115          if (Platform.needsAutoClick() && Math.abs(last_press_x - mousex) < 5 && Math.abs(last_press_y - mousey) < 5) Click(button);
116          last_press_x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
117          last_press_y = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
118      }
120      protected final void Click(int button) {
121          if (button == 1) new Message("_Click1", T, root);
122          else if (button == 2) new Message("_Click2", T, root);
123          else if (button == 3) new Message("_Click3", T, root);
124          if (Platform.needsAutoDoubleClick()) {
125              long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
126              if (lastClickButton == button && now - lastClickTime < 350) DoubleClick(button);
127              lastClickButton = button;
128              lastClickTime = now;
129          }
130      }
132      /** we enqueue ourselves in the Scheduler when we have a Move message to deal with */
133      public void perform() {
134          if (mousex == newmousex && mousey == newmousey) return;
135          int oldmousex = mousex;     mousex = newmousex;
136          int oldmousey = mousey;     mousey = newmousey;
137          String oldcursor = cursor;  cursor = "default";
138          // Root gets motion events outside itself (if trapped)
139          if (!root.inside(oldmousex, oldmousey) && !root.inside(mousex, mousey) && (button1 || button2 || button3))
140              root.putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("_Move", T);
141          if (!cursor.equals(oldcursor)) syncCursor();
142      }
144      /**
145       *  Notify XWT that the mouse has moved. If the mouse leaves the
146       *  surface, but the host windowing system does not provide its new
147       *  position (for example, a Java MouseListener.mouseExited()
148       *  message), the subclass should use (-1,-1).
149       */
150      protected final void Move(final int newmousex, final int newmousey) {
151          this.newmousex = newmousex;
152          this.newmousey = newmousey;
153          Scheduler.add(this);
154      }
156      /** subclasses should invoke this method when the user resizes the window */
157      protected final void SizeChange(final int width, final int height) {
158          if (pendingWidth == width && pendingHeight == height) return;
159          pendingWidth = width;
160          pendingHeight = height;
161          syncRootBoxToSurface = true;
162          abort = true;
163          Scheduler.renderAll();
164      }
166      // FEATURE: can we avoid creating objects here?
167      protected final void PosChange(final int x, final int y) {
168          Scheduler.add(new Scheduler.Task() { public void perform() throws JSExn {
169              root.x = x;
170              root.y = y;
171              root.putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("PosChange", T);
172          }});
173      }
175      private final String[] doubleClick = new String[] { null, "_DoubleClick1", "_DoubleClick2", "_DoubleClick3" };
176      protected final void DoubleClick(int button) { new Message(doubleClick[button], T, root); }
177      protected final void KeyPressed(String key) { new Message("_KeyPressed", key, root); }
178      protected final void KeyReleased(String key) { new Message("_KeyReleased", key, root); }
179      protected final void Close() { new Message("Close", T, root); }
180      protected final void Minimized(boolean b) { minimized = b; new Message("Minimized", b ? T : F, root); }
181      protected final void Maximized(boolean b) { maximized = b; new Message("Maximized", b ? T : F, root); }
182      protected final void Focused(boolean b) { new Message("Focused", b ? T : F, root); }
183      public void Refresh() { Scheduler.add(new Scheduler.Task() { public void perform() { } }); }
185      public final void setMaximized(boolean b) { if (b != maximized) _setMaximized(maximized = b); }
186      public final void setMinimized(boolean b) { if (b != minimized) _setMinimized(minimized = b); }
189      // Other Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
191      /** Indicates that the Surface is no longer needed */
192      public final void dispose(boolean quitIfAllSurfacesGone) {
193          if (Log.on) Log.info(this, "disposing " + this);
194          allSurfaces.removeElement(this);
195          _dispose();
196          if (allSurfaces.size() == 0) {
197              if (Log.on) Log.info(this, "exiting because last surface was destroyed");
198              System.exit(0);
199          }
200      }
202      public void dirty(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
203          dirtyRegions.dirty(x, y, w, h);
204          Refresh();
205      }
207      public static Surface fromBox(Box b) {
208          // FIXME use a hash table here
209          for(int i=0; i<allSurfaces.size(); i++) {
210              Surface s = (Surface)allSurfaces.elementAt(i);
211              if (s.root == b) return s;
212          }
213          return null;
214      }
216      public Surface(Box root) {
217          this.root = root;
218          root.setMaxWidth(JS.N(Math.min(Platform.getScreenWidth(), root.maxwidth)));
219          root.setMaxHeight(JS.N(Math.min(Platform.getScreenHeight(), root.maxheight)));
220          Surface old = fromBox(root);
221          if (old != null) old.dispose(false);
222          else root.removeSelf();
223          Refresh();
224      }
226      private static VectorGraphics.Affine identity = VectorGraphics.Affine.identity();
228      /** runs the prerender() and render() pipelines in the root Box to regenerate the backbuffer, then blits it to the screen */
229      public synchronized void render() {
231          // make sure the root is properly sized
232          do {
233              abort = false;
234              root.repack();
235              if (syncRootBoxToSurface) {
236                  root.setMaxWidth(JS.N(pendingWidth));
237                  root.setMaxHeight(JS.N(pendingHeight));
238                  syncRootBoxToSurface = false;
239              }
240              if (root.maxwidth != root.width || root.maxheight != root.height) {
241                  // dirty the place where the scar used to be and where it is now
242                  dirty(0, root.height - Main.scarImage.height, Main.scarImage.width, Main.scarImage.height);
243                  dirty(0, root.maxheight - Main.scarImage.height, Main.scarImage.width, Main.scarImage.height);
244              }
245              root.resize(root.x, root.y, root.maxwidth, root.maxheight);
246              root.resize_children();
247              setSize(root.width, root.height);
248              String oldcursor = cursor;
249              cursor = "default";
250              root.putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions("_Move", JS.T);
251              if (!cursor.equals(oldcursor)) syncCursor();
252          } while(abort);
254          int[][] dirt = dirtyRegions.flush();
255          for(int i = 0; dirt != null && i < dirt.length; i++) {
256              if (dirt[i] == null) continue;
257              intintintintdirti], y = dirt[i][1], w = dirt[i][2], h = dirt[i][3];
258              if (x < 0) x = 0;
259              if (y < 0) y = 0;
260              if (x+w > root.width) w = root.width - x;
261              if (y+h > root.height) h = root.height - y;
262              if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) continue;
264              root.render(0, 0, x, y, x + w, y + h, this, identity);
265              drawPicture(Main.scarImage, 0, root.height - Main.scarImage.height, x, y, x+w, y+h);
267              if (abort) {
268                  // x,y,w,h is only partially reconstructed, so we must be careful not to re-blit it
269                  dirtyRegions.dirty(x, y, w, h);
270                  // put back all the dirty regions we haven't yet processed (including the current one)
271                  for(int j=i; j<dirt.length; j++)
272                      if (dirt[j] != null)
273                          dirtyRegions.dirty(dirt[j][0], dirt[j][1], dirt[j][2], dirt[j][3]);
274                  return;
275              }
276          }
277      }
279      // FEATURE: reinstate recycler
280      public class Message implements Scheduler.Task {
282          private Box boxContainingMouse;
283          private Object value;
284          public String name;
286          Message(String name, Object value, Box boxContainingMouse) {
287              this.boxContainingMouse = boxContainingMouse;
288              this.name = name;
289              this.value = value;
290              Scheduler.add(this);
291          }
293          public void perform() {
294              if (name.equals("_KeyPressed")) {
295                  String value = (String)this.value;
296                  if (value.toLowerCase().endsWith("shift")) shift = true;     else if (shift) value = value.toUpperCase();
297                  if (value.toLowerCase().equals("alt")) alt = true;           else if (alt) value = "A-" + value;
298                  if (value.toLowerCase().endsWith("control")) control = true; else if (control) value = "C-" + value;
299                  if (value.equals("C-v") || value.equals("A-v")) Platform.clipboardReadEnabled = true;
300                  this.value = value;
301              } else if (name.equals("_KeyReleased")) {
302                  String value = (String)this.value;
303                  if (value.toLowerCase().equals("alt")) alt = false;
304                  else if (value.toLowerCase().equals("control")) control = false;
305                  else if (value.toLowerCase().equals("shift")) shift = false;
306                  this.value = value;
307              }
308              try {
309                  boxContainingMouse.putAndTriggerTrapsAndCatchExceptions(name, value);
310              } finally {
311                  Platform.clipboardReadEnabled = false;
312              }
313          }
314          public String toString() { return "Message [name=" + name + ", value=" + value + "]"; }
315      }
318      // Default PixelBuffer implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320      public static abstract class DoubleBufferedSurface extends Surface {
322          public DoubleBufferedSurface(Box root) { super(root); }
323          PixelBuffer backbuffer = Platform.createPixelBuffer(Platform.getScreenWidth(), Platform.getScreenHeight(), this);
324          DirtyList screenDirtyRegions = new DirtyList();
326          public void drawPicture(Picture source, int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2) {
327              screenDirtyRegions.dirty(cx1, cy1, cx2 - cx1, cy2 - cy1);
328              backbuffer.drawPicture(source, dx, dy, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2);
329          }
331          public void drawGlyph(Font.Glyph source, int dx, int dy, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2, int argb) {
332              screenDirtyRegions.dirty(cx1, cy1, cx2 - cx1, cy2 - cy1);
333              backbuffer.drawGlyph(source, dx, dy, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, argb);
334          }
336          public void fillTrapezoid(int x1, int x2, int y1, int x3, int x4, int y2, int color) {
337              screenDirtyRegions.dirty(Math.min(x1, x3), y1, Math.max(x2, x4) - Math.min(x1, x3), y2 - y1);
338              backbuffer.fillTrapezoid(x1, x2, y1, x3, x4, y2, color);
339          }
341          public void render() {
342              super.render();
343              if (abort) return;
344              int[][] dirt = screenDirtyRegions.flush();
345              for(int i = 0; dirt != null && i < dirt.length; i++) {
346                  if (dirt[i] == null) continue;
347                  int x = dirt[i][0];
348                  int y = dirt[i][1];
349                  int w = dirt[i][2];
350                  int h = dirt[i][3];
351                  if (x < 0) x = 0;
352                  if (y < 0) y = 0;
353                  if (x+w > root.width) w = root.width - x;
354                  if (y+h > root.height) h = root.height - y;
355                  if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) continue;
356                  if (abort) return;
357                  blit(backbuffer, x, y, x, y, w + x, h + y);
358              }
359          }
361          /** This is how subclasses signal a 'shallow dirty', indicating that although the backbuffer is valid, the screen is not */
362          public final void Dirty(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
363              screenDirtyRegions.dirty(x, y, w, h);
364              Scheduler.renderAll();
365          }
367          public void dirty(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
368              screenDirtyRegions.dirty(x, y, w, h);
369              super.dirty(x, y, w, h);
370          }
372          /** copies a region from the doublebuffer to this surface */
373          public abstract void blit(PixelBuffer source, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy, int dx2, int dy2);
375      }
377  }