1    // Copyright 2004 Adam Megacz, see the COPYING file for licensing [GPL]
2    package org.xwt;
3    import org.xwt.translators.*;
4    import org.xwt.util.*;
5    import org.xwt.js.*;
6    import java.util.*;
7    import java.io.*;
9    // FEATURE: this could be cleaner
10   /** encapsulates a single font (a set of Glyphs) */
11   public class Font {
13       private Font(Stream stream, int pointsize) { this.stream = stream; this.pointsize = pointsize; }
15       private static boolean glyphRenderingTaskIsScheduled = false;
17       public final int pointsize;                 ///< the size of the font
18       public final Stream stream;                 ///< the stream from which this font was loaded
19       public int max_ascent;                      ///< the maximum ascent, in pixels
20       public int max_descent;                     ///< the maximum descent, in pixels
21       boolean latinCharsPreloaded = false;        ///< true if a request to preload ASCII 32-127 has begun
22       Glyph[] glyphs = new Glyph[65535];          ///< the glyphs that comprise this font
24       public abstract static class Glyph {
25           protected Glyph(Font font, char c) { this.font = font; this.c = c; }
26           public final Font font;
27           public final char c;
28           public int baseline;                    ///< within the alphamask, this is the y-coordinate of the baseline
29           public int advance;                     ///< amount to increment the x-coordinate
30           public boolean isLoaded = false;        ///< true iff the glyph is loaded
31           public int width = -1;                  ///< the width of the glyph
32           public int height = -1;                 ///< the height of the glyph
33           public byte[] data = null;              ///< the alpha channel samples for this font
34       }
37       // Statics //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39       private static final Freetype freetype = new Freetype();
40       static final Queue glyphsToBeRendered = new Queue(255);
41       private static Cache fontCache = new Cache(100);
42       public static Font getFont(Stream stream, int pointsize) {
43           Font ret = (Font)fontCache.get(stream, new Integer(pointsize));
44           if (ret == null) fontCache.put(stream, new Integer(pointsize), ret = new Font(stream, pointsize));
45           return ret;
46       }
49       // Methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
51       /**
52        *  Rasterize the glyphs of <code>text</code>.
53        *
54        *  If all the glyphs of <code>text</code> are not yet loaded,
55        *  spawn a Task to load them and then invoke callback.  If all
56        *  the glyphs <i>are</i> loaded, rasterize them to the
57        *  PixelBuffer (if non-null).
58        *
59        *  @returns <code>(width<<32)|height</code> if all glyphs are loaded; else -1
60        */
61       public long rasterizeGlyphs(final String text, PixelBuffer pb, int textcolor,
62                                   int x, int y, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2,
63                                   final Scheduler.Task callback) {
64           boolean encounteredUnrenderedGlyph = false;
65           intintdth = 0, height = 0;
66           for(int i=0; i<text.length(); i++) {
67               final char c = text.charAt(i);
68               Glyph g = glyphs[c];
69               if (g == null) {
70                   g = Platform.createGlyph(this, c);
71                   glyphs[c] = g;
72               }
73               if (!g.isLoaded) {
74                   glyphsToBeRendered.prepend(g);              // even if it's already in the queue, boost its priority
75                   encounteredUnrenderedGlyph = true;
76               } else if (!encounteredUnrenderedGlyph) {
77                   if (pb != null) pb.drawGlyph(g, x + width, y + g.font.max_ascent - g.baseline, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, textcolor);
78                   width += g.advance;
79                   height = java.lang.Math.max(height, max_ascent + max_descent);
80               }
81           }
83           if (!encounteredUnrenderedGlyph) return ((((long)width) << 32) | (long)(height & 0xffffffffL));
85           if (callback != null) Scheduler.add(new Scheduler.Task() {
86                   public void perform() throws Exception {
87                       // FEATURE this isn't terribly efficient... perhaps the task should go on the last glyph?
88                       for(int i=0; i<text.length(); i++) {
89                           Glyph g = glyphs[text.charAt(i)];
90                           if (g == null || !g.isLoaded) { Scheduler.add(this); return; }
91                       }
92                       callback.perform();
93                   }});
95           // preload the Latin-1 charset with low priority (we'll probably want it)
96           if (!latinCharsPreloaded) {
97               for(int i=48; i<57; i++) glyphsToBeRendered.append(glyphs[i] = Platform.createGlyph(this, (char)i));
98               for(int i=32; i<47; i++) glyphsToBeRendered.append(glyphs[i] = Platform.createGlyph(this, (char)i));
99               for(int i=57; i<128; i++) glyphsToBeRendered.append(glyphs[i] = Platform.createGlyph(this, (char)i));
100              latinCharsPreloaded = true;
101          }
102          if (!glyphRenderingTaskIsScheduled) {
103              Scheduler.add(glyphRenderingTask);
104              glyphRenderingTaskIsScheduled = true;
105          }
106          return -1;
107      }
109      // FEATURE do we really need to be caching sizes?
110      private static Cache sizeCache = new Cache(1000);
111      public int textwidth(String s) { return (int)((textsize(s) >>> 32) & 0xffffffff); }
112      public int textheight(String s) { return (int)(textsize(s) & 0xffffffffL); }
113      public long textsize(String s) {
114          Long l = (Long)sizeCache.get(s);
115          if (l != null) return ((Long)l).longValue();
116          long ret = rasterizeGlyphs(s, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null);
117          if (ret != -1) sizeCache.put(s, new Long(ret));
118          return ret == -1 ? 0 : ret;
119      }
121      static final Scheduler.Task glyphRenderingTask = new Scheduler.Task() { public void perform() {
122          Glyph g = (Glyph)glyphsToBeRendered.remove(false);
123          if (g == null) { glyphRenderingTaskIsScheduled = false; return; }
124          if (g.isLoaded) { perform(); /* tailcall to the next glyph */ return; }
125          Log.debug(Glyph.class, "rendering glyph " + g.c);
126          try { freetype.renderGlyph(g); } catch (IOException e) { Log.info(Freetype.class, e); }
127          Scheduler.add(this);          // keep ourselves in the queue until there are no glyphs to render
128          glyphRenderingTaskIsScheduled = true;
129      } };
130  }